Часть 2 LESSON 1. At the weekend ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. What do you usually do at the weekend? 2. Do you always work at weekdays? 3. Which is your favourite day of the week? Why? 4. When do you usually cook your meals? 5. Do you like to go out at the weekend? Where to? 6. What did you do last weekend? 7. What would you like to do next weekend? 8. Is the atmosphere peaceful in your town? 9. Do you prefer staying with your friends or your family at the weekend? 10. Which places are the most attractive in your town? 2. Complete the sentences given. Дополните предложения. 1. At the weekend my wife prefers ... 2. My children are interested in ... 3. I do sport because ... 4. We often go out to ... 5. At the weekend we never ... 6. We watch television ... 7. Our friends ... 3. Make up questions. Start them with the words given. Составьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начинающиеся с данных вспомогательных глаголов или вопросительных слов. ![]() 4. Find one word in each line that shouldn’t be there. The first has been done for you. Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждой строчке. Первая строка выполнена как пример. ![]() FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. clothes – одежда (всегда во множ.ч.) Her clothes are elegant. – Ее одежда элегантна. She wants to buy some new clothes. – Она хочет купить новую одежду. 2. dish – блюдо to wash the dishes – мыть посуду 3. baseball – бейсбол to play baseball – играть в бейсбол 4. activity – деятельность, активность activities – мероприятия 5. barbecue – пикник с традиционным блюдом из мяса 6. garden – сад, огород gardener – садовник 7. team – команда team game – командная игра 8. uniform – форменная одежда, форма to wear a uniform – носить форму 9. agency – агентство advertising agency – рекламное агентство 10. interview – интервью job interview – собеседование при приеме на работу 11. concert – концерт jazz concert – концерт джазовой музыки 12. wedding – свадьба wedding party – свадебный вечер 13. event – событие 15. weekdays – рабочие дни at weekdays – в рабочие дни 16. winter – зима 17. summer – лето 18. autumn (Am. fall) – осень 19. spring – весна 20. game – игра computer game – компьютерная игра 22. people – люди 23. programme – программа 24. channel – канал TV channel – телевизионный канал 25. midnight – полночь at midnight – в полночь Adjectives1. special – особый, особенный nothing special – ничего особенного 2. young – молодой young people – молодежь, молодые люди 3. clean – чистый 4. dirty – грязный 5. serious – серьезный 6. clever – умный 7. friendly – дружелюбный 8. famous – известный 9. happy – счастливый Verbs1. to miss – пропустить; скучать по to miss classes – пропустить занятия 2. to clean – чистить, очищать to clean the room – убирать комнату 3. to wash – мыть 4. to happen – случаться, происходить It happened yesterday. – Это произошло вчера. 5. to involve – включать в себя It involves two sets. Она включает два тура. 6. to spend (spent) – проводить (время), трать (деньги) I spent my holidays there. – Я провел каникулы там. 7. to wear (wore) – носить (одежду) I never wear jeans. – Я никогда не ношу джинсы. 8. to try – пытаться, стараться I try to do it very well. – Я стараюсь делать это очень хорошо. Adverbs1. late – поздно 2. early – рано 3. together – вместе 4. quite – совершенно, совсем quite a bit – совсем чуть-чуть 5. outside – снаружи, на открытом воздухе 6. seriously – серьезно Word Combinations1. exercise class – учебный класс 2. go sailing – заниматься плаванием (под парусом), отправиться в плавание (на судне) 3. at least – по крайней мере 4. not at all – не за что 5. to be dressed up – быть нарядно одетым 6. point of view – точка зрения 7. take it seriously – воспринимать что-либо серьезно 8. rather good – достаточно хороший 1. Match the halves of the words. Соедините половинки слов. ![]() 2. Make up the sentences of your own using the following words (three in one sentence). Составьте предложения, используя данные слова (по три в каждом из предложений). ![]() 3. Complete the gaps with a suitable word or phrase from the Word Box. Вставьте пропущенные слова и фразы. ![]() 4. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Language focus 1 Adverbs of frequency Наречия частотности ![]() Для наречий «один раз» и «два раза» существуют особые формы «once» и «twice». Для всех остальных наречий – формы three times, four times, и т. д. Наречия частотности, употребляемые с грамматическим временем Present Simple (Indefinite): Often – часто Seldom – редко Never – никогда Usually – обычно Sometimes – иногда Always – всегда В предложении эти слова чаще всего стоят перед смысловым глаголом: Rita always types letters. Но всегда после глагола to be: Rita is always late. Вопрос «Как часто» задается с использованием «How often»: – How often do you wash the dishes? – Three times a day. – How often does she miss classes? – She never misses classes. – How often do they go sailing? – They go sailing once a month. 5. Give your answers to these questions. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы. ![]() 6. Write as many sentences as possible. Напишите как можно больше предложений. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 7. Complete the sentences. Use different adverbs of frequency. Дополните предложения, используя различные наречия частотности. ![]() Language focus 2 Prepositions of time and place (Revision) Предлоги времени и места (повторение) Prepositions of time ![]() Prepositions of place ![]() 8. Ask questions. Start them with the words given. Задайте вопросы, начинающиеся с данных слов. 1. I never washed the dishes in the childhood. Did........................................................................? 2. This event happened on the second of April. When did.................................................................? 3. I will be famous next year. Will.......................................................................? 4. I saw them together at the cinema. Where did...............................................................? 5. He will go to the job interview in an hour. When will................................................................? 6. On holidays I go to the exercise class. Who.......................................................................? 7. I can see some young people among them. Can........................................................................? 8. He has coffee and cakes for breakfast. What does.................................................................? 9. There are two dirty cars in front of our house. Are there...................................................................? 10. She is always dressed up at the office. Why is......................................................................? 9. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Where were you on holidays? 2. What did you have for dinner? 3. What is there next to your computer? 4. What will you cook for tomorrow? 5. Did you sleep well last night? 6. What dreams did you see last night? 7. Will you have guests at tea? 8. Are your children at school? 9. What do you usually do at 10 p.m.? 10. Do you get a lot of presents at Christmas? 11. How many rooms are there in your flat/house? 12. Will you relax in an hour? 13. What sports did you do in winter? 14. What is there opposite your house? 10. Translate the following phrases into English. Make up your own sentences with them. Переведите на. английский. Составьте предложения с данными фразами. ![]() FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1The Simple (Indefinite) Tense Времена группы Simple (Indefinite) Настоящее время группы Simple (Present Simple) используется для выражения обычного, повторяющегося действия. Употребляется с такими наречиями времени, как every day, usually, often, never, always, seldom, sometimes. Прошедшее время Past Simple используется для выражения действия в прошедшем времени. Употребляется с наречиями: last year/summer/month/week, yesterday, in 1987, three weeks/days/months ago, then. Будущее время Future Simple используется для выражения действия в будущем. Употребляется со следующими наречиями: next year/month/week, tomorrow, in a month. ![]() 1. Choose the right variant. Выберите правильный вариант. ![]() 2. Ask questions. Give negative answers. Задайте вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы. Example: She washes the dishes every evening. Does she wash the dishes every evening? She doesn’t wash the dishes every evening. ![]() 3. Find one mistake in each sentence. Найдите одну ошибку в каждом предложении. ![]() Types of Questions (revision) Типы вопросов (повторение) В английском языке существует 5 основных типов вопросов: – общие; – специальные; – вопросы к подлежащему; – альтернативные; – расчлененные. Общие вопросы начинаются со вспомогательного глагола: do, does, am, are,is, can и т. д. Произносятся они, в основном, с восходящим тоном. На них можно ответить кратко «да» или «нет». Они задаются ко всему предложению целиком. Например: Do they go swimming every day? Did he stay there last year? Will they come tomorrow? Специальные вопросы начинаются с вопросительных слов и задаются к отдельному члену предложения. Они произносятся, в основном, с нисходящим тоном. Их формула: вопросительное слово+общий вопрос. Например: Why do they go swimming every day? Where did he stay? When will they come? Вопросы к подлежащему начинаются с вопросительных слов who – кто и what – что. В них не используется вспомогательный глагол (за исключением случаев, когда вспомогательный глагол является основным глаголом предложения, как is, are, am, can). Глагол в таких вопросах ставится в форме единственного числа. Например: Who goes swimming every day? (Сравните с русским: Кто ходит плавать, а не: Кто ходят плавать.) Who lived in a flat? Who can stay here? Альтернативные вопросы – такие, где спрашивается о выборе с использованием or – или. Они строятся по формуле общего вопроса. Например: Do they go swimming or fishing every day? Did she live in a house or in a flat? Will they or we stay here? Расчлененные вопросы состоят из двух частей: самого предложения и краткого общего вопроса к нему, которое переводится: «не так ли?» Если предложение утвердительное, то в кратком общем вопросе к нему (в хвостике) вспомогательный глагол используется в отрицательной форме. Если предложение отрицательное, то в кратком общем вопросе к нему (в хвостике) вспомогательный глагол используется в утвердительной форме. Например: They go fishing every day, don’t they? – Они ходят на рыбалку каждый день, не так ли? They don’t go fishing every day, do they? She lives in London, doesn’t she? She doesn’t live in London, does she? We didn’t stay here, did we? We will stay here, won’t we? 4. Ask General Questions. Give negative answers. Задайте общие вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы. Example: He went there yesterday. Did he go there yesterday? He didn’t go there yesterday. ![]() 5. Read the sentences. Write two Special Questions to each. Прочитайте предложения. Составьте по два специальных вопроса к каждому из них. ![]() 6. Read the questions and translate them. Underline the auxiliary verb. Прочитайте вопросительные предложения и переведите их. Подчеркните вспомогательный глагол. 1. Где они купили эту форму? ......... 2. Она не пропустила уроки вчера, не так ли? ......... 3. Кто ходил на концерт в прошлую пятницу? ......... 4. Вы будете дома или в офисе? ......... 5. Кто помоет посуду? ......... 6. Их руки были грязные? ......... 7. Они играют в этой команде, не так ли? ......... 8. Вы любите зиму или лето? ......... 9. Почему они восприняли это так серьезно? ......... 10. Это произошло в прошлом году или два года назад? ......... READING AND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Read the list of activities. What do you usually do on weekdays and at the weekend? Прочитайте список действий. Скажите, что Вы обычно делаете по выходным, а что – в будни? To get up early/late To walk with younger children To cook different dishes To watch different TV channels To play the piano/the guitar To use the computer To go out (to concerts, the cinema or the theatre) To see friends To go to an exercise class To go sailing To wash the dishes To dress up To cook the barbecue To wear jeans To get together with your family 2. Fill in your organizer for the last week and for the next week. Use one verb once Составьте план своей прошлой недели и план на будущую неделю. Используйте один глагол только один раз. ![]() 3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Do you get up early or late on weekdays? 2. Do you always stay at home on Fridays? 3. How often does your wife cook something tasty? 4. Do you go out twice a month? 5. How do you usually spend your evening? 6. How often do you buy new clothes? 7. Do you like to cook the barbecue? Where? 8. Do you try to be with your family at the weekend? 9. How did you spend the last weekend? 10. What will your children do next week? 4. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order. Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке. ![]() 5. Close the English variant on the right. Translate the dialogues on the left. Check yourself. Закройте вариант английского перевода, данный справа. Переведите диалоги, данные слева. Проверьте вариант своего перевода. ![]() ![]() Read the dialogues and try to remember them. Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь их выучить. 6. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. A weekend with the Wheeler family Mark and Sylvie Wheeler live in a big house in California. They have got four children. At the weekend they do a lot of things around the house. They garden quite a bit. They play basketball on the basketball court. Their son Christopher is fourteen. At the weekends he goes out a lot with his friends, on Friday or Saturday nights. Sometimes he goes to the cinema or just to other people’s houses and watches videos. There are just two seasons there: winter and summer. Because autumn, winter and spring are very much the same. But summer is different. In summer on Saturday afternoon they crank up the barbecue. And that is their meal. They like it. They never miss it. In summer it gets very hot and sometimes they just want to be outside, not inside. Summertime activities are usually involved around the children’s sports. Their youngest son plays Little League – that is baseball. There are a lot of little boys who take the game very seriously. They are all dressed up in their uniforms. A. Retell the text. Перескажите текст. B. Ask five questions about the text. Задайте пять вопросов к тексту. C. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. At the weekend the Wheeler family like ... Christopher enjoys ... There are just two seasons because ... On Saturday afternoon they ... Their youngest son ... ASSIGNMENT 1 LESSON 1 PART 1Find an extra word in each line.The first is done for you. Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждой строке. Первая строка дана как пример. ![]() Ask Questions. Задайте общие вопросы. ![]() Find one mistake in each sentence. Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении. ![]() Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() LESSON 2. Doing new things ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. Where did you study? 2. Why are you learning English? 3. What foreign languages can you speak? 4. Can you drive a car? 5. How did you get your job? 6. What do you do at your workplace? 7. Will you do the same in ten years? 8. Would you like to change your life? How? 9. Which are the most important things in your life? 10. Where would you like to travel? Why? 2. Match the sentences to their translations. Найдите соответствующий перевод. ![]() 3. Complete the Questions. Дополните вопросы. 1. Did they wear ........................................................................? 2. Do they usually spend ...............................................................? 3. Will they miss ........................................................................? 4. Is the man ..............................................................................? 5. Was the concert .....................................................................? 6. Does she change ...............................................................? 7. Would you like to .....................................................................? 8. Am I ..............................................................................? 9. Were they ...........................................................................? 10. Are the children ..................................................................? FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. knowledge – знания (всегда в ед.ч.) much knowledge 2. pasta – макароны Italian pasta 3. term – срок, четверть/семестр school term 4. campus – кампус, территория школы/унивеситета school campus 5. goal – цель, задача the goal of my life 6. part – часть this part of the book 7. project – проект, проектная работа an important project 8. skill – умение, мастерство to get new skills 9. textbook – учебник 10. adult – взрослый 11. tyre – шина Adjectives1. free – свободный, бесплатный 2. different – отличный (from – от), различный It is different from what we wanted. 3. difficult – сложный, трудный It was very difficult to learn. 4. real – настоящий, реальный 5. specific – особенный, специфический 6. vocational – профессиональный vocational training – профессиональное обучение 7. practical – практический practical classes – практические занятия Verbs1. to fly-flew – летать 2. to change – менять, изменять 2. to join – вступить в, присоединиться к He joined the army. 3. to include – включать в себя It includes three parts. 4. to train – учить, обучать 5. to balance – балансировать 6. to dream-dreamt – мечтать, видеть сны I am dreaming about a new job. 7. to fix – ремонтировать, чинить I want to fix cars. 8. to practise – практиковаться 9. to hear-heard – слышать, услышать Adverbs1. badly – плохо She drives badly. 2. fluently – бегло He speaks English fluently. 3. well – хорошо Word Combinations1. advanced class – продвинутый курс обучения 2. beginners’ class – курс обучения для начинающих 3. a long way from school – далеко от школы Our flat is a long way from work. 4. driving lessons – уроки вождения 5. driving test – экзамен на получение водительских прав 6. to take driving lessons – брать уроки вождения 7. not...at all – совсем не It is not interesting at all – Это совсем не интересно. 8. to take a test – сдавать экзамен 9. reasonably well – довольно хорошо 10. apart from – кроме, помимо, не считая Apart from English I study French. 11. consumer awareness – знание потребителя 12. communication skills – умение общаться 13. how the car works – как устроен автомобиль 14. to take part (in) – принимать участие в 1. Match the word with the translation. Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом. ![]() 2. Match the words to make word combinations. Составьте словосочетания. ![]() 3. Think of as many word combinations as possible. Make up your own sentences with them. Составьте словосочетания. Составьте с ними предложения. ![]() 4. Complete the gaps with a suitable word or phrase from the Word Box. Вставьте пропущенные слова и фразы. ![]() 5. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Language focus 1 Descriptive Adjectives Описательные прилагательные ![]() 6. Make up possible word combinations. Составьте словосочетания с данными прилагательными. ![]() 7. Make up sentences using the following forms. Составьте предложения, используя данные формы прилагательных. ![]() 8. Make up a story using at least 20 adjectives. Составьте рассказ. Используйте не менее 20 прилагательных. ![]() Language focus 2 Structure «to be going to» Структура «to be going to» Структура «to be going to» используется для выражения намерения что-либо сделать. На русский язык переводится как «собираться (что-либо сделать)». Также она используется для выражения действия в ближайшем будущем. We are going to swim tomorrow. – Мы собираемся завтра поплавать. He is going to fall down. – Он сейчас упадет. ![]() При переводе фраз типа «Он собирается пойти(to go)», глагол to go опускается. She is going to France next year. 9. Complete the sentences Дополните предложения. 1. I’m going to ... 2. My wife is going to ... 3. My children are going to ... 4. My friend is going to... 5. My boss is going to ... 6. My company is going to ... 7. My dog isn’t going to ... 8. My parents aren’t going to ... 10. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы$7 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? 2. Where are you going to travel? 3. Are you going to fix your car today? 4. Are your children going to take driving lessons? 5. Are you going to learn English in an advanced class? 6. Are you going to change your life? 7. What knowledge are you going to get? 8. Are you going to cook pasta for dinner? 9. Are you going to speak English fluently? 10. Are you going to join any sports club? 11. Write about your future plans. Use the structure «to be going to». Напишите о своих планах на будущее. Используйте структуру «to be going to». ![]() FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1Adverbs and Adjectives Наречия и прилагательные Многие наречия образуются от форм прилагательных (сравните в русском: красивый-красиво, быстрый-быстро). В английском языке для этого используется суффикс – ly. Например, usual-usually, fluent-fluently. Особенности правописания: Если прилагательное заканчивается на «y» с предшествующей согласной, то «y» меняется на «i» и прибавляется «ly»: easy-easily. Особенности использования: Форма прилагательного (а не наречия) используется в безличных предложениях типа: It is difficult to do it (Это есть сложное – сделать это), то есть в сочетании с глаголом «to be», хотя в русском предложении в аналогичном случае употребляется форма наречия: Сложно это сделать. Наречие же обычно сопровождает глагол (кроме глагола «to be»): He did it easily. She drove the car dangerously. Также наречие может употребляться с прилагательным, другим наречием или причастием: really nice, reasonably good, badly written (плохо написанный). Необходимо запомнить исключения: good-well fast-fast late-late little (мало) I know little about Spain. much (много) She read much about it. 1. Underline the correct form. Подчеркните правильную форму. 1. The bird flew free/freely. 2. It is nice/nicely to travel. 3. The weather changes fast/fastly. 4. They trained good/well. 5. The trip included many strange/strangely places. 6. The textbooks were very expensive/expensively. 7. They got very important/importantly skills. 8. It was real/really difficult. 9. It was important/importantly for the project. 10. She spoke the language very fluent/fluently. 2. Complete the sentences with the adverbs taking them from the box. Подберите подходящие по смыслу наречия. ![]() 3. Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() Modal Verb «can» and could/will be able to Модальный глагол «can» и его формы could/will be able to Модальный глагол (модальный значит «выражающий отношение к действию») can переводится как «мочь, уметь». Не требует после себя частицы «to». При построении вопросительного и отрицательного предложения используется как вспомогательный глагол. He can drive very well. Can he drive very well? Who can drive very well? He can’t drive very well. Для выражения действия в прошедшем времени используется форма «could» – «мог, умел». Эта форма имеет те же особенности употребления, что и «can». Сравните: We can train here. We could train here yesterday. Can you get these skills? Could you get these skills? She can’t travel a long way from home. She couldn’t travel a long way from home. Для выражения действия в будущем времени используется выражение «be able to» – «быть способным». I will be able to change it tomorrow. We will be able to take a test. He will be able to fix cars. Will he be able to meet you? Will they be able to join you? He won’t (will not) be able to fly there. I won’t be able to balance the tyre. 4. Give the sentences in the past and future. Поставьте предложения в прошедшее и будущее. ![]() 5. Ask General Questions. Give Negative answers. Задайте общие вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы. ![]() 6. Complete the information chart. Заполните таблицу. ![]() READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are you going to start a new life? Why/Why not? 2. What are you going to buy next week? 3. What will you be able to cook tonight? 4. What are you going to plant in your garden? 5. Will you be able to drive a long way from home today? 6. Are you going to learn how to drive? 7. Are you going to travel in summer? Where will you be able to go? 8. Are you going to be very busy next week? 9. When are you going to have a holiday? 10. Will you be able to study English next year? 2. Read and complete the conversation. Try to learn the dialogue. Прочитайтедиалог. Вставьте реплики по смыслу. Постарайтесь выучить диалог. A. But you can’t drive. B. You’re going to start a new life. C. Are you going to start now, dear? D. Then, I’m going to get a job. Husband: I am going to start a new life. Did you hear me? Wife: Yes, dear. Husband: What did I say? What am I going to do? Wife: .................. Husband: That’s right. And I will be able to do it! First, I’m going to buy some new clothes. .............. Did you hear me? Wife: Yes, dear. You are going to get a job. Will you be able to do it? Husband: Yes. Next, I’m going to buy a car. Wife: That’s nice. ......................... Husband: That’s right. I can’t drive now. But I’ll be able to do it. I’m going to learn. Wife: When are you going to start? Husband: Start what? Wife: Your new life. New clothes, job, car. ......................... Husband: No, not now. There is sport on TV. 3. Speak about your future plans. Use the words. Расскажите о своих планах на будущее. Используйте данные слова. Story one: am going to, travel, knowledge, easily, fluently, goal, will be able to, couldn’t, real, apart from, reasonably well. Story Two: join, skills, different, fix, won’t be able to, am going to, beginners’ class, a long way from, change. 4. Give your reasons. Скажите, зачем это нужно. ![]() 5. Order the speeches. Расположите реплики по смыслу. ![]() 6. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. A practical class Jean is a teacher in California. Josh is one of his students. Jean teaches the students how to fix cars. His programme is a practical course. They teach people from sixteen through adults. The courses are located on a High School campus. The programme is vocational because they train people specific skills which they can use in their job. Josh likes these classes very much because they give real knowledge. They don’t have any textbooks. They just listen and look and then, start their projects. All the students have their projects on how to fix a car. For example, Josh is going to take a tyre off the car, balance the tyre and put it back. There are a lot of students who come to join the programme. All of them think that they will be able to fix their cars. It is their goal – and the programme is going to give them this knowledge. But the programme also includes: consumer awareness, communication skills and understanding of how the car works. A. Retell the text Перескажите текст B. Ask five questions about the text Задайте пять вопросов к тексту C. Answer the questions Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What programme does Jean teach? 2. Does he have only one student? 3. What is the age of their students? 4. How many textbooks do the students have? 5. How do the students study? 6. What is the students’ goal? 7. What skills does the programme include? ASSIGNMENT 2 LESSON 2 PART 1Choose the correct word. Выберите подходящее слово. ![]() Ask Special Questions. Задайте специальные вопросы. ![]() Find one mistake in each sentence. Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении. ![]() Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() LESSON 3. Planning a trip ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. Do you like to travel? Why/Why not? 2. Where did you travel last time? 3. Was it a long way from your home? 4. What foreign countries would you like to see? 5. What places are you going to visit there? 6. How are you going to communicate with people in those countries? 7. Is it difficult to choose a place to go? 8. Do you like active rest? 9. Do you like to travel with your family? 10. Will you be able to travel this summer? 2. Make up correct sentences. Составьте предложения из данных слов. 1. won’t/to/I/speak/fluently/year/be/Japanese/able/next. 2. travel/long/home/summer/we/couldn’t/a/last/way/from. 3. Mike/part/an/took/three/ago/in/exhibition/years/to China. 4. in/spent/Tahiti/well/we/our/reasonably/holidays. 5. your/skills/on/you/improve/going/are/to/communication/holiday? 6. visit/I/not/going/specific/this/am/to/country. 7. dreaming/holidays/the/seaside/I/about/at/am. Try to recollect as many sentences as possible. Постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше предложений из только что составленных. 3. Complete the information chart. Заполните таблицу. ![]() 4. Make up sentences about travelling using the following forms. Составьте предложения о путешествиях, используя данные формы. ![]() FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. section – секция, салон (в самолете) 2. plane – самолет by plane – самолетом, на самолете 3. passenger – пассажир 4. station – станция, вокзал railway station – железнодорожная станция 5. tourist – турист 6. airplane – самолет 7. train – поезд to travel by train – путешествовать поездом 8. darling – дорогой, любимый 9. service – обслуживание 10. transaction – дело, сделка 11. itinerary – маршрут 12. premium – награда, премия 13. seat – посадочное место 14. ship – корабль by ship/by sea – на корабле 14. decision – решение It was his final decision. 15. offer – предложение a house on offer – предлагается дом (выставляется на продажу) 16. climate – климат mild climate – мягкий климат cold climate – холодный климат 17. flight – полет, перелет It was a long flight. 18. ticket – билет Adjectives1. non-smoking – некурящий non-smoking section of the plane – салон для некурящих в самолете 2. domestic – домашний, отечественный 3. non-stop – безостановочный to fly non-stop – лететь без посадки 4. pleasant – приятный 5. slow – медленный 6. clever – умный 7. individual – индивидуальный 8. premium – лучший, высшего класса premium service 9. return – обратный return ticket – обратный билет 10. obvious – очевидный an obvious mistake – очевидная ошибка Adverbs1. abroad – за границей, за границу to live abroad – жить за рубежом 2. obviously – очевидно Verbs1. to decide – решить I can’t decide where to go. 2. to solve/to sort out – решить (что-то) to sort out a problem – решить проблему 3. to prefer – предпочитать I prefer swimming to sailing – Я предпочитаю плавание парусному спорту. 4. to intend – намериваться I intend to go there. – Я намериваюсь пойти туда. 5. to confirm – утверждать, подтверждать 6. to reconfirm – еще раз подтвердить I’d like to reconfirm the ticket. 7. to offer – предложить, предлагать 8. to return – возвращать(ся) 9. to hurry – торопить(ся) Geographical Names1. Argentina – Аргентина 2. Asia – Азия 3. Europe – Европа Words and Expressions1. to check in – регистрировать(ся) 2. travel agent’s – туристическое бюро 3. Business Class – бизнес класс 4. First Class – первый класс 5. Coach/Tourist/Economy Class – туристический тариф 6. in a great hurry – второпях (в большой спешке) 7. long distances – большие расстояния 8. to come into contact with – сталкиваться с, вступать в контакт с 9. for the most part – большей частью 10. seat selection – выбор посадочного места 11. to step up – перейти 1. Match the word with the translation. Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом. ![]() 2. Match the halves of the words. Соедините половинки слов. ![]() 3. Complete the table with the words from the Word Box.One word can belong to two columns Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова из таблицы. Некоторые слова в зависимости от смысла могут быть разными частями речи. ![]() 4. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Making suggestions. Как предложить что-либо. Study these phrases. Запомните данные образцы. Let’s go to Asia. Давай поедем в Азию. I’d prefer to go to Asia. Я бы предпочел поехать в Азию. Shall we go to Asia? Поедем в Азию? Would you like to go to Asia? Вы бы хотели поехать в Азию? How about going to Asia? Как насчет того, чтобы поехать в Азию? 5. Complete the sentences. Закончите предложения. 1. Let’s confirm .... 2. Shall we check in ... 3. How about travelling ... 4. Would you like to offer ... 5. I’d prefer to sort out .... 6. We’d prefer to hurry ... 7. Shall we return ... 6. React to the following suggestions. Ответьте на следующие предложения. Let’s go sailing at the weekend. ..... Let’s pack our luggage in a hurry. ..... How about traveling First Class? ...... Shall we reconfirm our itinerary? ... I’d prefer domestic food. And how about you? ... Would you like to travel long distances? ... 7. Complete the dialogue. Use the pattern above. Дополните диалог, используя лексические образцы, данные выше. husband: .... Wife: To Africa? No, thank you. It’s terribly hot there now. Husband: ....... Wife: To Europe? Well, let me think. Husband: .... Wife: Germany? Well, good idea. And how much will be the tickets? Husband: .... Wife: The Internet? No, I prefer to come into contact with good travel agent’s. Husband: ... Wife: What? I don’t know this travel company. Husband: .... Wife: Yes, it’s a company with a good reputation. When will we be able to go? Husband: .... Wife: In October? Why in October? Husband: It’s the cheapest month. ..... Wife: By plane, of course. Language focus 2How to agree and disagree. Как выразить согласие и несогласие. ![]() 8. Agree or disagree. Use the patterns above. Согласитесь или опровергнете. Используйте данные выше образцы выражений. 1. Domestic goods are the best. 2. It’s always nicer to travel by plane. 3. You go on holiday twice a year. 4. You would like to live abroad. 5. You always check in your luggage at the airport. 6. You always feel satisfied after shopping. 7. Tourists try to find the best service. 8. Your itinerary is different every year. 9. You come into contact with different people at work. 10. You intend to start a new life next week. 9. Make up a dialogue with your boss. Use all the patterns above. Составьте диалог с Вашим начальником. Вы должны использовать все фразы согласия и несогласия, данные выше. FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1Degrees of comparison of adjectives Степени сравнения прилагательных Напоминаемм, что прилагательные имеют три степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную. Например, вкусный – вкуснее – самый вкусный Образование: У односложных и некоторых двусложных прилагательных (заканчивающихся на – r или – y) степени сравнения образуются путем прибавления к положительной форме суффиксов – er для сравнительной формы и – est для превосходной (эта форма используется с артиклем the). Cheap-cheaper-the cheapest Happy-happier-the happiest Правописание: Удваивается согласная после краткой гласной (чтобы сохранить закрытый слог): big-bigger-the biggest. Конечная – e опускается: nice-nicer-the nicest. У большинства двусложных прилагательных, а также прилагательных, состоящих из трех и более слогов, степени сравнения образуются при помощи слов more и the most. Expensive-more expensive-the most expensive Useful-more useful-the most useful Для того, чтобы избежать повторения использования существительного в сравнительных конструкциях, используется «one/that one/this one/the one»: This house is better than that one. That flight is more expensive than this one. This book is more interesting than the one I read last week. Не забывайте об использовании артиклей перед словосочетанием прилагательное+существительное: It was a more interesting film than the one we saw yesterday. He was a cleverer person than Alec. Исключения, которые необходимо запомнить: Good-better-the best Bad-worse-the worst Little (мало)-less(меньше)-the least (наименее) – c неисчисляемыми существительными: Little milk, less knowledge, the least interesting book. Much/many-more-the most Far-farther-the farthest – дальний, далекий (в отношении расстояния) Far-further-the furthest – дальнейший (в переносном значении (успех, деятельность) 1. Give the three forms. Напишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях. ![]() 2. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Do you prefer the best service on the plane? 2. Which is the most expensive domestic car? 3. Do you intend to buy more expensive clothes? 4. Are you going to come into contact with more people? 5. Will you be able to cook the most delicious pasta dish? 6. Is your trip this year more pleasant than the one last year? 7. Do you know the best restaurant in your area? 8. Who is the most obvious president candidate? 3. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Articles Артикли 4. Fill in articles «a/an», «the» where necessary. Вставьте артиклитам, где это необходимо. 1. Where is...... tourist map you bought yesterday? Here is...... map. Take it, please. 2. When I was abroad I met.............man who could speak Russian fluently. ...... man was American. He was...... teacher of Russian. 3. ......... child can sort out this simple problem. 4. These are...... tickets that you wanted to offer them. 5. There is...... overhead projector in our office. ...... projector is made in Japan. 6. ...... person who is learning a foreign language can practise all the time. 5. The nouns in the first column are presented for the first time. They are used with the indefinite article or zero article. Make up the next sentence, defining the meaning of these nouns more precisely and therefore use the definite article. Существительные в первом столбце даны в своем первом предъявлении и поэтому используются с артиклем «a/an». Составьте следующее предложение так, чтобы их значение уточнилось. Используйте определенный артикль. ![]() 6. Translate the sentences into English.Pay attention to the use of articles. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая особое внимание на использование артиклей. ![]() READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Read these sentences. Underline the words from the Active Vocabulary. Close your eyes. How many sentences can you recollect? Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните новые слова урока. Закройте глаза и постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше из данных предложений. 1. Obviously, he is going to reconfirm his itinerary abroad. 2. I can’t decide where I will check in my luggage. 3. I won’t be able to sort out this problem in a great hurry. 4. He returned to the non-smoking section of the plane. 5. This itinerary in Asia is more pleasant than that one. 6. He prefers to fly long distances First Class. 7. She came into contact with various passengers. 8. He decided to fly non-stop. 9. For the most part when he was in Europe he spoke German. 10. The baby made his first step. 2. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Do you prefer to travel by plane or by train? Why? 2. Do you prefer to fly non-stop? Why? 3. Do you buy plane tickets at a travel agent’s? 4. Do you always pack your luggage in a great hurry? 5. Do you often come into contact with other passengers? 6. Do you like to travel abroad? Where to? 7. What itineraries do you prefer? 8. What service do you usually get on board the plane? 9. What is the goal of your trips? 10. How do you usually get to the airport? 3. Speak about Julia’s trip. Use the verbs in the past tense. Расскажите о путешествии Джулии. Постройте свой рассказ в прошедшем времени и поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время. ![]() 4. Put Tom’s speeches in the right place. Try to learn the dialogue. Вставьте в диалог реплики Тома. Постарайтесь выучить диалог. ![]() 5. React to the suggestions. Use the following adjective forms. Ответьте на данные предложения. Используйте следующие формы прилагательных. More pleasant, nicer, less expensive, better, faster, worse, more interesting, less dangerous 1. Shall we go by plane or by train? 2. Let’s go to Asia this year. 3. Would you prefer o visit this place? 4. Let’s travel First Class. 5. Shall I cook chicken or beef? 6. Let’s go out tonight. 7. Shall I drive? 6. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. Sherry McGonegle at San Jose Airport Sherry works for the company American Airlines. She issues plane tickets at San Jose airport in California. Here she tells us about her job. A passenger will step up and speak to her. He will tell her which flight he wants, what ticket he intends to buy. Then, she can issue the ticket at the ticket counter. She can also reconfirm their itinerary for the round trip, check in their luggage and make sure they are satisfied with their seat selection. The airlines offer three classes of service: Coach Class, which is the economy class, Business Class, which is better than Coach Class. They can also offer First Class, which is the premium class, and the best way to travel. Passengers can buy a one way ticket or a return one. They can travel in the morning, afternoon and evening and even – at night. For the most part, flights are non-stop. Sherry thinks that each transaction with a passenger is really different. But the job is never boring. Every day she comes into contact with many pleasant people. A. Retell the text. Перескажите текст. B. Ask five questions about the text. Задайте пять вопросов к тексту. C. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What’s Sherry’s job? 2. What people does she meet? 3. How does she help them? 4. What classes of service do they offer? 5. How are these classes different? 6. What tickets can the passengers buy? 7. What flights can they choose? 8. What des Sherry think about her job? ASSIGNMENT 3 LESSON 3 PART 1Find an extra word in each line. The first is done for you. Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждой строке. Первая строка дана как пример. ![]() Put the adjectives in the correct form. Поставьте прилагательные в правильную форму. ![]() Find one mistake in each sentence. Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении. ![]() Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() LESSON 4. Shopping for clothes ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. How often do you go shopping? 2. Do you prefer shopping for clothes or for food? 3. Where do you prefer to buy clothes? Why? 4. What clothes do you usually buy? 5. What clothes do you intend to buy? 6. Do you sometimes buy clothes when you are abroad? 7. Is it pleasant or boring to choose new clothes? 8. Are you always satisfied after shopping? 2. Make up questions. Start them with the words given Составьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начинающиеся с данных вспомогательных глаголов или вопросительных слов 1. I bought a lot of nice clothes abroad. Where.....................................................? 2. He prefers wearing jeans. What.........................................................................? 3. She is going to buy it in Asia. Where..................................................................? 4. He intends to by the most expensive boots. Who...............................................? 5. I won’t be able to reconfirm your offer. Why.........................................................? 6. He got a lot of knowledge about these specific clothes. Where............................? 7. She is hurrying to the supermarket. Why...............................................................? 8. Her collection included summer models. What.......................................................? 3. Make up your own sentences with the word combinations. Составьте предложения сословосочетаниями. ![]() 4. Find one word in each line that shouldn’t be there.The first has been done for you. Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждой строчке. Первая строка выполнена как пример. ![]() FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. fashion – мода To be in the fashion – быть модным 2. jumper – свитер 3. key – ключ 4. point – момент, пункт, вопрос It was a very important point. 5. wedding – свадьба A wedding party 6. dance – танец 7. dress – платье, одежда 8. pity – жалость, сожаление What a pity! – Как жаль! It’s a pity that he is not here. 9. uniform – форма To wear a uniform – носить форму 10. sandals – сандалии 11. shorts – шорты 12. size – размер What size are you? 13. accessories – аксессуары 14. pair – пара A pair of shoes – пара туфель 15. wear – носка, одежда This is now in wear. – Это теперь носят. 16. earrings – серьги 17. belt – пояс, ремень 18. buyer – покупатель 19. gloves – перчатки 20. hat – шляпа 21. option – выбор 22. outfit – снаряжение, одежда 23. scarf-scarves – шарф-шарфы Adjectives1. cream – кремовый 2. thick – толстый, густой a thick overcoat – толстое пальто 3. thin – тонкий, худой 4. warm – теплый 5. woolen – шерстяной 6. cotton – сделанный из хлопка 7. leather – кожаный 8. silk – шелковый 9. basic – основной 10. desperate – отчаянный I am desperate to see this girl. – Я очень хочу увидеть эту девушку. 11. exciting – восхитительный It was an exciting day. Verbs1. to fit – соответствовать, быть впору The coat fits well. – Пальто хорошо сидит. 2. to perform – исполнять, выступать The actors performed very well. – Актеры играли очень хорошо. 3. to excite – восхищать, волновать 4. to feel(felt) – чувствовать I feel fine. – Я чувствую себя хорошо. I feel bad. – Я чувствую себя плохо. 5. to look – выглядеть She looks good. – Она хорошо выглядит (в этом значении глагола «look» после него используется не наречие, а прилагательное) 6. to flatter – льстить 7. to choose (chose) – выбирать 8. to need – нуждаться в I need your help. – Мне нужна ваша помощь. 9. to recommend – рекомендовать Adverbs1. casually – небрежно, случайно 2. actually – в действительности, на самом деле Word Combinations1. changing room – примерочная 2. registry office – регистратура, отдел записи актов гражданского состояния 3. to take off – снимать (об одежде) She took off her coat. 4. to put on – надевать I’m going to put on my new dress. 5. tracksuit top – верхняя часть от спортивного костюма 6. to try on – примерять Would you like to try on these shoes? 7. to go with – подходить, соответствовать These shoes go with this dress. 8. you might need – вам может понадобиться everything you might need – все, что вам может понадобиться 9. to wrap up the goods – заворачивать товары 10. pale green – бледно-зеленый 11. to look for – искать, подыскивать I’m looking for a skirt. 12. key point – ключевой момент 1. Match the word with the translation. Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом. ![]() 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the Word Box. Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова. Fits, changing room, option, exciting, desperate, buyers, fashion, go with, performed, looked, actually, point, pair 1. Short skirts are now in the.................................... 2. This dress....................very well. 3. At the meeting we discussed a very important.............................. 4. We can offer these two blouses – so you have the............................... 5. The day was really..................................! 6. Last Friday we bought a ................................of new black boots. 7. At this time there are a lot of....................................in the shop. 8. These accessories don’t.......................................your suit. 9. My little brother......................................very well. He played the violin. 10. .............................. I don’t want to buy this dress. 11. Where is the.....................................? I’d like to try it on. 12. I am....................................to find a new husband. 13. Your sister ..................................good at the show. 3. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() 4. Write your own sentences with the words given. Напишите свои предложения с указанными словами. ![]() Speech patterns Речевые образцы ![]() 5. Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. 1. The skirt fits perfectly, but I don’t like the colour. .................................................................................................................. 2. I’d like several basic clothes. .................................................................................................................. 3. Shall I bring you a longer dress? .................................................................................................................. 4. I think, this suit doesn’t fit. .................................................................................................................. 5. We have this shirt in several sizes and colours. .................................................................................................................. 6. Would you like to try on this tracksuit top? .................................................................................................................. 7. – Thank you. – It’s my pleasure. .................................................................................................................. 8. Take a look at this pair of earrings. They are the latest fashion. .................................................................................................................. 6. Complete the dialogues. Дополните диалоги подходящими репликами. I Shop-assistant: Good morning. Can I help you? Customer:.............................................................. Shop-assistant: A short or a long one? Customer:............................................................... Shop-assistant: How about this one? ........................................... Customer: No, thank you. I don’t like the colour. Shop-assistant: I see. II Customer: Can I try on this coat? Shop-assistant: Of course. ..................................................... Customer: I think, ten. Shop-assistant: Well, this is size twelve. ............................................... Customer: Yes, please. Shop-assistant: Here you are. Customer: Thank you. Shop-assistant: ............................................................. III Customer: What size is this dress? Shop-assistant: It’s size ten. Would you like to try it on? Customer: No thank you. It’s for my daughter. Shop-assistant: ............................................................. Customer: Size eight or ten. Shop-assistant: ...................................................................... Customer: Longer ones. Shop-assistant: ...................................................................... Customer: Well, it looks nice. ............................................................ Shop-assistant: Yes, we have it in blue and in dark blue. Customer: I think, dark blue will be great. Shop-assistant:........................................................... Customer: Oh, yes. I think, I’ll take it. 7. Make up your own dialogues. Составьте свои собственные диалоги. A. You are going to buy the sport shoes for your husband. B. You’d like to buy an evening dress. C. You want to buy some clothes for your sister’s baby. D. You are going to buy some basic clothes for yourself. Language focus 2Reflexive Pronouns Возвратные местоимения ![]() 8. Complete the answers to the questions using reflexive pronouns. Дополните ответы на вопросы, используя возвратные местоимения. 1. Who repaired the car for you? Nobody, I........................................................... 2. Who bought this cotton jacket for your sister. She................................................ 3. Who cleaned your flat? We........................................................................... 4. Who performed n the stage? Our children.......................................................... 5. Does he want me to try on his suit? No, he’ll...................................................... 6. Did she take off Lisa’s shoes? No, Linda .......................................................... 7. How awful! Did you talk to the door? No, the door............................................... 8. Shall I go home? No, look after your dogs......................................................... 9. Put in reflexive pronouns or me/you/us/them/him/her/it. Вставьте возвратные местоимения или местоимения me/you/us/them/him/her/it 1. She looked into the water and saw.............................................. 2. She looked into the water and saw.............................................. He took off his hat and smiled. 3. Could you pass........................................some bread, please? 4. My father died and left........................................without any money. 5. He wants to try on this coat.............................................. 6. She is going to buy a tracksuit top for........................................... 7. Alice has got no money. Jane is going to buy clothes for......................................... 8. Take this jacket. You might need.........................................on your way. 9. Let’s wait. The weather will change.............................................. 10. I won’t be able to perform......................................... 10. Write your own sentences with the following pronouns. Напишите предложения с данными местоимениями. ![]() FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1Too/enough Слишком/достаточно «Too» – «слишком» употребляется перед прилагательными, наречиями: The dress was too expensive. The trousers are too long. There are too many people in the shop. The shop is too far away. «Enough» – «достаточно» употребляется перед существительным: There are enough clothes in the supermarket. I haven’t got enough money. Но после прилагательных и наречий: The dress isn’t long enough. The scarves aren’t good enough. She smiled prettily enough. 1. Complete the sentences with too/enough Вставьте too/enough 1. I won’t buy this dress It’s (expensive).................................................................... 2. I can’t eat this food. It’s (hot).............................................................................. 3. We won’t discuss those points. They aren’t (important)............................................... 4. You have got (gloves)...................................................................................... 5. He didn’t get the job because he didn’t have (knowledge)............................................ 6. This shirt is (big)...............................................for me. I need a smaller size. 7. She can’t take part in the fashion show. She is (young)............................................... 8. He can’t buy the basic clothes. He doesn’t have (money)............................................. 2. Make up your own sentences with the word combinations. Составьте свои собственные предложения со словосочетаниями. ![]() 3. Read and translate the sentences. Прочитайте и переведите предложения. ![]() 4. Four of the sentences have a mistake.Find and correct it. Найдите ошибку в четырех из данных предложений. ![]() As ... as Not so ... as Выражения «такой же ... как» «не такой ... как» Для сравнения предметов по одному признаку используются выражения «as...as» и «not so...as». Например, Он такой же умный, как и его отец. He is as clever as his father. Она не такая отчаянная, какой была десять лет назад. She is not so desperate as she was ten years ago. 5. Make up as many sentences as possible. Составьте как можно больше предложений. Example: These shoes are not so expensive as those sandals. ![]() 6. Make up your own sentences with the word combinations. Составьте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями. ![]() 7. Ask further questions. Give negative answers. Задайте дальнейшие вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы. Example: He is really intelligent. Is he as intelligent as his father? No, he is not so intelligent as his father. ![]() 8. Complete the sentences. Use the structures «as...as», «not so...as». Закончите предложения. Используйте структуры «as...as», «not so...as». 1. Is she........................................................................................................? 2. Our friend................................................................................................... 3. Our house................................................................................................... 4. Were you.................................................................................................... 5. Are her clothes..............................................................................................? 6. This jumper is............................................................................................... 7. Is your husband............................................................................................? 8. Are these gloves...........................................................................................? READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы$7 1. What clothes do you prefer wearing? 2. How can you choose flattering clothes? 3. Where do you buy the accessories? 4. What accessories go with your outfit? 5. Are you in the fashion? 6. Do you always buy clothes that excite your husband/wife? 7. Do you always try on clothes before you buy them? 8. What did you wear at your wedding party? 9. Are you desperate to look good? 10. How often do you wear casual clothes? 2. Make up stories using the following words and word combinations. Составьте рассказы, используя данные слова и выражения. A. buyer, options, outfit, not so expensive as, a few dresses, cotton, silk, to try on, to take off, fashion, too large. B. uniform, size, changing room, not formal enough, enough money, pale, point, accessories. C. desperate, flattering, to look, actually, registry office, to go with, key point, not so exciting as, What a pity. 3. Translate into English. Make up mini-dialogues (3–4 phrases) with the following sentences. Переведите на английский данные предложения. Составьте мини-диалоги (3–4 фразы), используя каждую из этих реплик. 1. Не хотели бы Вы примерить это? 2. Какой у Вас размер? 3. Это плохо сидит (не подходит). 4. Этот костюм слишком мал. 5. Этот свитер не такой дорогой, как мы думали. 6. Эти брюки недостаточно длинные. 7. Это чудесно! 8. Мы купим одежду сами. 9. Я предпочитаю короткие пальто. 10. Я хотела бы пальто покороче. 11. Я думаю, эта юбка ужасна. 12. Это платье дороже того. 13. Я не смогу купить перчатки сама. 14. Это самое лучшее пальто. 4. Read the dialogues. Complete the gaps. Use the words in brackets. Прочитайте диалоги. Составьте недостающие реплики. Используйте для этого слова, данные в скобках. I A: Good afternoon, sir. (help)........................................................................? B: Yes. (look for)....................................................................................... A: Yes, sir. What would you like? B: (perfume).............................................................................................? A: I think «Kenzo» is very popular at the moment. B: Yes. (take)........................................................................................... II A: Can I help you? B: (skirt)................................................................................................. A: Here is a very nice skirt. B: (how much)...........................................................................................? A: Twenty pounds. B: I’ll take it. A: (offer)..................................................................................................? B: What’s the price of it? A: Sixty pounds. B: (too expensive)........................................................................................ 5. Read the dialogues and try to remember them. Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь и хвыучить. A.julia: what are you going to take? Rachel: Well, I’m not sure. Take a look at these silk skirts. Do you like this one? Julia: This one? No, I don’t. I think it’s awful. Rachel: Yes. Yu are right. Pity! It’s the cheapest skirt in the shop. Julia: But it’s too short. It’s not formal enough. What about this one? Rachel: That’s better. And this? Julia: Oh, yes. That’s the best one. Rachel: I agree. Julia: Where are the changing rooms? Are you going to try it on? Rachel: Yes. They are over there. Julia: Come on. B.julia: i’m looking for a coat. Shop-assistant: What’s your size? Julia: Well, I’m not sure. Shop-assistant: Try this on. Julia: It’s too small. Shop-assistant: Try on this one. It’s your size. Julia: I don’t like the colour. Shop-assistant: What about this one? Julia: It’s my size. But it isn’t long enough. I prefer longer coats. Shop-assistant: Well, I see. And this one? This is your size, and it’s longer than the black one. Would you like to try it on? Julia: Yes, it looks nice. And I like the colour. Shop-assistant: Well, what do you think? Julia: I like it. But it’s the most expensive coat in your shop. Shop-assistant: Yes, but it’s the best one. 6. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. Patsy Seddon’s shop Patsy Seddon has several women’s clothes shops. She works in contact with the buyer, a woman who helps her to buy clothes for all her shops. They are going to tell us about the clothes they choose for their customers. They sell the basic things, like trousers and skirts and shirts and jumpers, and jackets. And women will also be able to buy the accessories that go with these clothes. These accessories are: shoes, bags, gloves, hats, scarves, belts – everything you might need to go with your outfit. Patsy Seddon and her buyer choose the clothes for their shops in the wholesale fashion shops. They choose the clothes which they like themselves. Every season has the colour. It is the key to wearing the right clothes. Actually, colour is one of the most important points. This year, for example, pale green and pink are popular. Clothes excite women. They are desperate to buy them and wear them because they think they are going to look good in them. That’s the key thing: they want to look flattering and feel good. A. Retell the text. Перескажитетекст. B. Ask five questions about the text. Задайте пять вопросов к тексту. C. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What’s Patsy’s job? 2. What does her job include? 3. Does she work alone? 4. What clothes do they sell? 5. What accessories do they sell? 6. Where do they buy these clothes? 7. Why is the colour very important? 8. Why are women desperate to buy clothes? ASSIGNMENT 4 LESSON 4 PART 1Choose the correct word. Выберите подходящее слово. ![]() Match the sentences with their translations. Найдите подходящий перевод. ![]() Find one mistake in each sentence. Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении. ![]() LESSON 5. The rules of the road ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. How do you get to work? 2. How often do you drive? Do you like it? Why? 3. Which roads are dangerous in your town? 4. Do you fix your car yourself? 5. How often do you have problems with your car? 6. Do you sometimes come into contact with policemen? When and why does it happen? 7. Do you know what your car consists of (what parts)? 8. When did you learn to drive? 9. Who looks after your car? 10. Would you like to buy a bigger/nicer/faster/smaller/more flattering car? Which model? 2. Read the answers. Write the possible questions. Прочитайте ответы. Напишите возможные вопросы к ним. ![]() 3. Write 10 sentences using the adjectives in the Box. Use the structures: as...as, not so...as, too..., ...enough, degrees of comparison. Напишите 10 предложений, используя приведенные прилагательные. Используйте структуры: as...as, not so...as, too..., ...enough, а также степени сравнения прилагательных. Casual, flattering, warm, pleasant, boring, delicious, vocational, difficult, specific, fluent ![]() 4. Make up sentences about your family and friends. Use the words given. Составьте предложения, описывающие вашу семью и друзей. Используйте данные слова. Example: My friend Tony can fix his car himself. I myself My wife herself My children themselves My wife and I ourselves My wife’s mother herself My friend Alex himself ![]() FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. crossing – перекресток, переход 2. danger – опасность Out of danger – вне опасности 3. entry – вход no entry – вход запрещен 4. motorway – шоссе 5. bend – поворот, изгиб дороги bend ahead – впереди поворот 6. advice – совет (всегда в ед.ч.) Many pieces of advice – много советов (много кусочков совета) To follow someone’s advice – следовать чьему-либо совету 7. pedal cyclist – велосипедист 8. extent – степень to what extent – до какой степени, насколько 9. injury – ранение, травма The extent of his injury – степень тяжести его ранения 10. learner – учащийся, ученик 11. motorcycle – мотоцикл 12. shift – смена to work in shifts – работать посменно 13. pedestrian – пешеход 14. pedestrian crossing – пешеходный переход 15. flow – поток, течение the flow of traffic/transport – поток транспорта 16. movement – движение 17. accident – несчастный случай, авария Adjectives1. dangerous – опасный 2. safe – безопасный 3. ready – готовый I’m ready – Я готов. 4. numerous – многочисленный, многообразный Numerous peoples – многочисленные народы 5. average – средний, усредненный 6. clear – понятный, ясный Is it clear? – Это понятно? 7. wrong – неверный, неправильный There is something wrong with your car. – Ваша машина не в порядке. 8. correct – верный, правильный Verbs1. to overtake – обгонять No overtaking – Обгон запрещен 2. to cross – пересекать, переходить to cross the road – переходить дорогу 3. to move – передвигать(ся) 4. to advise – советовать He advised me to stop smoking. – Он посоветовал мне бросить курить. 5. to allow – разрешать, позволять He allowed me to come in. – Он разрешил мне войти. 6. to clear – расчищать to clear the road – расчистить дорогу 7. to flow – течь (о реке, транспорте) The river flows fast. – Река течет быстро. 8. to hire – нанимать (на работу) He hired two workers. 9. to vary – разнообразить varied – разнообразный 10. to reduce – уменьшить(ся) To reduce speed – сбавить скорость 11. to increase – увеличивать(ся) 12. to fill in – заполнить to fill in a form – заполнить анкету 13. to deal with – общаться, иметь дело с I deal with different people. Word Combinations1. agricultural vehicles – сельскохозяйственный транспорт 2. cater for people – обслуживать людей 3. cc – cubic centimeter – кубический сантиметр 4. numerous walks of life – многообразные профессии (дороги жизни) 5. on average – в среднем 6. to give way – уступить дорогу 7. road signs – дорожные знаки 1. Fill in the gaps. Заполните таблицу. ![]() 2. Match the two halves of the words. Найдите вторую половину слова. ![]() 3. Make sentences with the two words given. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова. ![]() 4. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Places in town Что есть в городе ![]() 5. Draw a mini-plan of your town/part of the town. Mark different places on the map. Нарисуйте схематично план Вашего города/части города. Отметьте на карте, что где находится. ![]() 6. Say and write how you can get to different places in your town and how long it takes. Скажите и напишите, как можно добраться до разных мест в Вашем городе и сколько времени это займет. 1. You can get to The Central Circus by bus 12. There are three stops from here. It will take you/it takes about ten minutes. 2. (park)......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... 3. (supermarket)............................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... 4. (museum).................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... 5. (hospital).................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... 6. (parking area)................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................... 7. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What are the sport facilities in your town? 2. How can I get to the nearest gym? 3. How long does it take to get to the nearest town? 4. Is there Underground in your town? 5. How can I get to the town centre? 6. What is there in the town centre? 7. How long will it take to get to Moscow from your town? How can you get there? 8. Which is the best book shop in your town? How can I get to it? 9. How far is the hotel in your town from the place where you live? How can you get to it? 10. Which is the best cinema in your town? How can I get to it? Language focus 2Road signs Дорожные знаки ![]() 8. Match the sentences to the road signs. Соотнесите предложения с дорожными знаками по их описанию. 1. It means you have to stop or give way. 2. It means you can’t park here. 3. It means you can’t move fast. 4. It means you can’t drive into this street. 5. It means you have to turn right. 6. It means there’s a school ahead. 7. It means you can’t overtake on this piece of road. 8. It means you have to give way to pedestrians. 9. Say what you have to do if you see these signs. Укажите, что вы должны сделать, если увидите следующие знаки (Вы – водитель). 1. Bend ahead. 2. School ahead. 3. No overtaking. 4. Traffic lights. 5. No parking. 6. Reduce speed. 7. End of motorway. 8. T-junction. 9. Petrol station. 10. Pedestrian crossing. 10. Complete the sentences. Дополнитепредложения. 1. It means you can’t .................the road. You have to wait. 2. It means you have to stop or.................way. 3. It means you have to.................right. 4. It means you can’t...................your car here. 5. It means you have to...............speed. 6. It means you have to................slowly. 7. There is..............light ahead. 8. You can’t.................on this piece of road. 9. There is a ..................crossing ahead. 10. If you see a sign «No................», it means you can’t drive there. FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1Modal verbs Модальные глаголы Модальные глаголы в английском языке используются очень часто. Модальными они называются потому, что у них имеются не все формы, какие есть у обычных глаголов. Необходимо запомнить имеющиеся у них формы и способы их употребления 1. can – мочь, уметь Форма прошедшего времени – could/couldn’t Будущей формы у этого модального глагола нет. Используется конструкция – will/won’t be able to. ![]() 2. must – должен mustn’t – нельзя (запрет) Нет ни формы прошедшего, ни формы будущего времени. Используется конструкция had to/will have to. В настоящем времени может использоваться конструкция have to/has to со значением «вынужден». Отрицание don’t have to/doesn’t have to – нет необходимости, не нужно (сравните с mustn’t). ![]() 3. may– можно, выражение разрешения Существует только форма настоящего времени You may turn left here. May I come in? You may not put it on. 4. should/ought to – следует (Синонимы, но ought употребляется всегда с «to» и преимущественно в утвердительных предложениях, в то время как should – во всех.) Существует только форма настоящего времени. You should give way. You shouldn’t overtake on this piece of road. Should I cook it now? He ought to stop at the traffic lights. 5. be to – должен по плану, по договоренности Существуют формы прошедшего was to/were to и настоящего времени is to/are to/am to. Чаще всего употребляется в утвердительной форме. ![]() 1. Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. 1. Pedestrians mustn’t cross the road here. 2. You should follow my advice. 3. The learners are to take a test on Tuesday. 4. We will have to hire two new workers. 5. You mustn’t allow your children to speak to you like that. 6. Did he have to fill in this form? 7. We were to buy two agricultural vehicles last Saturday. 8. I won’t be able to deal with these people. 9. I will have to move faster. 10. May I park on the yellow line? 2. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. ![]() 3. Match the sentences. Найдите соответствующий перевод. ![]() 4. Write the missing sentences with must and can. Впишите недостающие предложения, используя модальные глаголы must и can. ![]() 5. Change the sentences according to the pattern. Измените предложения, используя образец. Example: It will be necessary for you to follow my advice. You will have to follow my advice. ![]() 6. Extend the statements using different modal verbs. Продолжите утверждения, используя различные модальные глаголы. Example: Fred is going to the theatre. He will have to put on a white shirt. He shouldn’t be late. He is to meet his girl-friend at seven at the theatre. ![]() 7. Translate the sentences into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык. ![]() 8. Fill in the table. Make up sentences to illustrate the following grammar. Use the words given. Заполните таблицу. Составьте предложения, используя предложенные грамматические структуры. Используйте данные слова. ![]() READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What does the sign no entry mean? 2. When must we give way to other vehicles? 3. On which pieces of road is there no overtaking? 4. What do drivers have to do at the T-junction? 5. Where and when do drivers have to reduce speed? 6. If the brakes don’t work what must the driver do at once? 7. Why is it difficult to park a car in the centre of a city? 8. Do you have to deal with numerous people from numerous walks of life? 9. What do police cater for? 10. Why do we sometimes have to rent a car? 11. What is the most important thing for a learner driver? 2. Agree or disagree. Use different expressions. Выразите согласие или несогласие. Используйте различные речевые образцы. 1. There are too many cars in the city streets now. 2. The job of a policeman is boring. 3. Police don’t allow agricultural vehicles to drive in city streets. 4. On average every family in Russia has a car. 5. The police cater for all the people they have to deal with. 6. Pedal cyclists can’t ride along the streets of Moscow. 7. People of numerous walks of life use city transport. 3. Speak about some of the places in your town. Say where they are, how you can drive there, what signs you can see on the way there. Расскажите о некоторых местах в своем городе. Скажите, где они находятся, как можно проехать туда на машине, какие дорожные знаки встречаются на пути. ... ... 4. Make up short stories using the words from the Active Vocabulary. Составьте небольшие рассказы, используя данные слова. A. to advise, to move, in a hurry, on average, motorway, danger; B. learner, dangerous, ready, to overtake, agricultural vehicles, varied, to repair; C. to allow, to give way, pedestrian, numerous, bend, shift, to flow, safe; D. to hire, to reduce speed, to fill in, motorcycle, to follow advice, crossing, to enter, numerous walks of life. 5. Read the dialogues and try to learn them. Прочитайте диалог и постарайтесь его запомнить. I julia: excuse me. Policeman: Yes, madam? Julia: Could you tell me the way to South Street, please? Policeman: Of course. Turn right here. It’s the second on the right. Julia: Thank you. Policeman: Oh, madam. You can’t park here. Julia: But I won’t be long. I’ll only be a few minutes. Policeman: Sorry, madam. You’ll have to move it. You are parked on a yellow line. And there’s the sign. Look. Julia: Ten minutes. I’m in a hurry. I have to go back to work. Policeman: Sorry, madam. You’ll have to use the car park. Julia: Do I have to use the car park? Policeman: Yes. This is a No Parking area. Julia: And where is the car park. Policeman: It’s not far from here. Turn right, drive along Dane Street and you are there. II james: good afternoon. is my car ready? Receptionist: Mr Brady? James: Yes. Receptionist: Oh, dear. Bad news, I’m afraid. James: What is it? Receptionist: There is something wrong with the brakes. And one of the lights doesn’t work. James: When will you be able to repair them? Receptionist: The light is no problem. But the breaks? We won’t be able to repair the brakes before next week, I’m afraid. James: But I am to drive to Edinburgh tomorrow. Receptionist: Would you like to rent a car? I’ll give you a special price. Just fill in a form and off you go. 6. Make up your own dialogues using the following phrases. Составьте свои диалоги, используя следующие фразы. ![]() 7. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. Mark Hill, a motorway policeman Mark Hill is a motorway policeman. He works in a very dangerous place – on the motorway M1. He is going to speak about his work. He would also like to tell us who can and who can’t drive on the motorway. The people who can’t are pedal cyclists, motorcyclists with a certain cc motorcycle, agricultural vehicles and learner drivers. Policemen work in shifts. There are four shifts a day. The motorway is never safe. There are three or four accidents per shift. When there is an accident, there are three steps the police have to take. First, they must stop the traffic movement on this piece of road. Second, they must cater for any injured people. They must make sure they are safe. Then, they must clear the road as quickly as possible to enable the traffic to flow again. Mark has a varied working day. He says he deals with numerous people from numerous walks of life. He gives some advice to learner drivers and they follow it. A. Retell the text. Перескажите текст. B. Ask five questions about the text. Задайте пять вопросов к тексту. C. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What’s Mark Hill’s job? 2. What does he think about his job? 3. Who can’t drive on the motorway? 4. Why is the motorway never safe? 5. What do the police do when there is an accident? 6. How many accidents happen a day? 7. Does Mark deal with learner drivers? 8. Why is Mark’s job very important? ASSIGNMENT 5 LESSON 5 PART 1Find a mistake in each line. The first is done for you. Найдите ошибку в каждой из строк. Первая строка дана как пример. ![]() Fill in the correct words taking them from the box below.There are two extra words you don’t need. Дополните предложения словами по смыслу. Два из данных слов лишние. Fill, walks, varied, follow, entry, shifts, extent, safe, hurry, allow, speed, flow ![]() PART 3 Fill in the necessary prepositions where necessary. Вставьте нужные предлоги, где необходимо. ![]() Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() LESSON 6. How things work ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. Do you often work with various equipment? 2. What should you do when you work with equipment? 3. What mustn’t you do when you work with equipment? 4. What equipment do you have at home/at work? 5. Do you allow your children to work with this equipment? 6. Can you describe the situation when there was something wrong with your equipment? 7. Who always repairs the things at your house? 8. What equipment are you to buy soon? 9. What equipment may be dangerous? 10. Where do you usually buy new things for your house? Why there? 2. Say what you should do with your equipment and what you shouldn’t/mustn’t do. Use the verbs given. Скажите, как Вы должны обращаться с оборудованием и приборами, и как вы не должны поступать. Используйте данные глаголы. To use, to place, to repair, to clean, to learn, to allow, to move, to confirm, to decide, to look at/after ![]() 3. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. 1. I won’t be able to........................................................................................ 2. The pedestrians had to.................................................................................. 3. Did they have to.........................................................................................? 4. The learners shouldn’t.................................................................................. 5. Children mustn’t......................................................................................... 6. Passengers shouldn’t.................................................................................... 7. You may................................................................................................... 8. Traffic police are to...................................................................................... 9. We couldn’t............................................................................................... 10. Motorcyclists ought to................................................................................. 11. The drivers have to..................................................................................... 12. Was the firm to.........................................................................................? 13. When will you have to................................................................................? 14. Will they be able to....................................................................................? 15. Should the motorists...................................................................................? 16. Why couldn’t the vehicles............................................................................? 4. Match the questions and the answers. Найдите ответы на вопросы. ![]() FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. coffee pot – кофейник 2. corridor – коридор In the corridor/hall 3. shelf (shelves) – полка 4. thermostat – термостат 5. cookery – кулинария, стряпня 6. headphones – наушники 7. mousetrap – мышеловка 8. porter – привратник, носильщик 9. brochure – брошюра A brochure on cookery 10. wall – стена Stone wall – каменная стена 11. bag – мешок, сумка 12. box – коробка 13. covering – чехол, покрытие 14. edge – край, кромка 15. hole – дыра, отверстие 16. machinery – машинное оборудование, механизм 17. power – сила, мощность, энергия 18. sack – мешок, куль 19. set – набор, комплект 20. stone – камень, жернов 21. shoe – колодка, полоз 22. device – устройство 23. switch – выключатель, переключатель 24. button – кнопка 25. tap – кран Adjectives1. top – верхний 2. bottom – нижний 3. round – круглый 4. thin – тонкий 5. effective – эффективный Verbs1. to pull – тянуть, тащить 2. to push – толкать, нажимать 3. to touch – касаться, трогать 4. to store – запасать 5. to set – помещать, устанавливать 6. to turn – поворачивать(ся) 7. to turn into – превратиться в 8. to cover – покрывать, накрывать Adverbs1. clear – ясно, понятно 2. outwards – наружу, за пределы Word Combinations1. waiting room – приемная, зал ожидания 2. to turn up the radio – сделать погромче радио 3. to turn down – убавить (свет) 4. to get something – понять что-либо Have you got it? – Вам понятно (Вы поняли)? 5. to move back – пятиться, отходить назад 6. alarm clock – будильник 7. bedside lights – ночник 8. main lights – основной свет 9. in turn – по очереди, в свою очередь 10. top floor – верхний этаж 11. compact disc – компакт-диск 12. to press the button – нажать на кнопку 13. to work on electricity – работать на электричестве 14. lawn mower – газонокосилка 15. teasmade – чайный аппарат 16. drinks machine – автомат с напитками 17. shoe polisher – устройство для чистки обуви 18. coffee-maker – кофеварка 1. Complete the sentences using the words from the Active Vocabulary. Дополните предложения, используя слова Активного Словаря. 1. If you want to watch TV, you must...................................................................... 2. He gave me a book on..................................................................................... 3. You shouldn’t............................................................................................... 4. This device.................................................................................................. 5. First, you must.............................................................................................. 6. On the top floor you’ll be able to see.................................................................... 7. In winter we have to....................................................................................... 8. She had to buy new........................................................................................ 9. Mill workers have to....................................................................................... 10. Is it clear that.............................................................................................? 2. Fill in the gaps. Заполните таблицу. ![]() 3. Make word combinations. Составьте словосочетания. ![]() 4. Make sentences with the two words given. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова. ![]() 5. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Equipment Оборудование (офиса и дома) ![]() 6. Say what things at home ad in your office: Скажите, какие предметы дома и в офисе: 1. are bigger than a coffee-maker; 2. are rectangular; 3. are round; 4. are long and thin; 5. make noise; 6. work on electricity; 7. are made of paper, wood, glass, steel; 8. you enjoy looking at; 9. have buttons/switches; 10. you can sit on. 7. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What equipment do you normally find in the kitchen? 2. What do we use a lawn mower for? 3. How do we use a drinks machine? 4. Which equipment do you use in your office every day? 5. How do you start your computer? 6. How often do you use a parking ticket machine? 7. What things in your house are wooden/glass/steel? 8. How often do you have to change light bulbs? 9. Why do we have to use flash memory? 10. What do you have to do to start a CD/MP3 player? 11. What equipment do you have upstairs/downstairs? 12. Where do you prefer to keep books: in the bookcase or on your desk? 13. When is the heating usually on in your house? 14. What do you use a mobile phone for? 15. How does your camera work? 8. Find the odd word out. Explain your choice. Найдите лишнее слово. Объясните свой выбор. 1. plastic, steel, tree, metal, glass; 2. flash memory, screen, mouse, wires, camera; 3. fax machine, copying machine, lawn mower, computer, standard lamp; 4. ceiling, door, walls, carpet, window; 5. file, bulb, wires, socket, cable; 6. keyboard, phone, camera, bookcase, CD player. Language focus 2Booking a hotel room Как зарезервировать номер в гостинице ![]() 9. Read the dialogues. Try to roleplay them. Прочитайте диалоги. Постарайтесь разыграть их самостоятельно. A. Receptionist: Red Hill Hotel. James: Good morning. Have you got a room for June, the 17th? Receptionist: How many nights? James: For one night. Receptionist: Would you like a single or a double room? James: A single one, please. Receptionist: With a bath? James: Yes, with a bath. Bed and breakfast, please. How much do I have to pay? Receptionist: 60 a night, bed and breakfast. James: Is the room convenient? Receptionist: It certainly is. James: OK. I’ll take it. B. Receptionist: Could you give your name, sir? James: My name is Brady. Receptionist: You are the person who booked a single room for June, the 17th? James: Yes. Receptionist: Your room will be ready in 5 minutes. Sign this form, please. Could you wait here, sir? James: It is cold in here. Does the room have central heating? Receptionist: Yes, sir. James: How do you turn it up? Receptionist: This way, sir. James: Where are the light switches? Receptionist: They are here, sir. James: Oh, sorry. Where does this go? Oh, no. There is something wrong with the bulbs. They don’t work. Receptionist: You should press this button, sir. James: Yes, I see. What time is the breakfast? Receptionist: Your breakfast is from seven to ten. Enjoy your stay! James: Thank you. 10. Complete the dialogues. Дополните диалоги. ![]() ![]() 11. Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. 1. Я должен был забронировать самый дешевый номер в гостинице. .................................................................................................................. 2. Вам не придется оставаться в этой гостинице слишком долго. .................................................................................................................. 3. Мне следует заплатить за завтрак и за комнату? .................................................................................................................. 4. Этот номер достаточно комфортабельный? .................................................................................................................. 5. Когда я должен буду подписать эти документы? .................................................................................................................. 6. Я думаю, что-то случилось с телефоном в том номере. .................................................................................................................. 7. Он не сможет забронировать номер в гостинице по системе «все включено». .................................................................................................................. 8. Вам пришлось остановиться в комнате для двоих? .................................................................................................................. FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1Passive Voice (Indefinite Tense) Страдательный залог (времена группы Indefinite) Предложения в страдательном залоге используются в тех случаях, когда отсутствует исполнитель действия или когда мы хотим выделить именно предмет или лицо, над которым производится действие. В русском языке подобные предложения выглядят следующим образом: Дом построен в 1955 году. Его дочь не заберут из сада. Такие контракты не подписываются менеджерами. Предложения в страдательном залоге строятся по форме: Объет+to be (в нужном времени)+третья форма глагола Если нужно указать исполнителя действия, употребляется предлог by (by my mother, by them) Предложения в страдательном залоге трех времен группы Indefinite выглядят так: ![]() Формы неправильных глаголов необходимо заучить. 1. Give the following sentences in Russian. Переведите данные предложения. 1. Where was this book on cookery bought? .............................................................. 2. This room will be booked for three nights. ............................................................. 3. I wasn’t given the headphones. ........................................................................... 4. This object is made of glass. .............................................................................. 5. What are these things made of? ........................................................................... 6. This watch isn’t made of silver. ........................................................................... 7. The box will be made of wood. ........................................................................... 8. The sack wasn’t carried on to the top floor. ............................................................. 9. The car was repaired by my friend. ....................................................................... 10. New houses will be built here in a year. ................................................................ 2. Ask questions and give negative answers Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы 3. Make up the sentences of your own using the Passive structures. Use the verbs given (their third form). Check the Irregular forms. Составьте свои собственные страдательные предложения. Используйте данные глаголы (их третью форму). Проверьте правильность написания форм неправильных глаголов. ![]() 4. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What is your watch made of? 2. When was your computer switched on? 3. What clothes were worn by you yesterday? 4. What is made of wood? 5. How much water was drunk by you yesterday? 6. What is usually eaten for breakfast in your family? 7. What were you given for your last birthday? 8. What vegetables are grown by your parents? 9. How many letters will be written by you tomorrow? 10. Who is your equipment repaired by? 5. Give the following sentences in English. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Отопление не было включено вчера. ............................................................................................. 2. Когда отправят этот факс? ............................................................................................. 3. Эта мышеловка сделана из стали. ............................................................................................. 4. Его почту не забрали из офиса. ............................................................................................. 5. Ваш билет был куплен вчера. ............................................................................................. 6. Оборудование привезли на прошлой неделе. ............................................................................................. 7. Картофель не хранят дома. ............................................................................................. 8. Номер будет зарезервирован на следующей неделе. ............................................................................................. 9. Куда будет послана моя брошюра? ............................................................................................. 10. Газонокосилку не починили на прошлой неделе. ............................................................................................. Language focus 2Modal verbs Модальные глаголы 6. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. Should the clients.................................................? We are to............................................................ They will have to................................................... Did you have to....................................................? They were to........................................................ May I...............................................................? You shouldn’t...................................................... They won’t be able to............................................. Could you..........................................................? You ought to....................................................... Is he to..............................................................? He had to............................................................ We didn’t have to.................................................. Will they have to..................................................? You mustn’t........................................................ 7. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений. ![]() 8. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. When do we have to turn down the lights? 2. Should you store potatoes on the top floor? 3. Why should you set the alarm clock? 4. Will you have to use the bedside lights? 5. When are you to order new machinery? 6. What home equipment mustn’t your children use? 7. What will you have to do with a hole in the roof? 8. Why did you have to buy a new coffee pot? 9. Will you have to use flash memory tomorrow? 10. What hotel rooms shouldn’t you book? 11. When will you be able to learn to cook? 12. Could you move freely in the flow of traffic? 9. Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What home equipment do you use most often? 2. How does a mousetrap work? 3. Which things in your flat are rectangular? 4. Which things in your office work on electricity? 5. Is there anything wrong with your office equipment? 6. What is wrong with the home equipment? 7. How can you book a hotel room? 8. In which hotel did you last stay? Was it comfortable? 9. Which type of accommodation do you prefer: bed and breakfast, full board, all inclusive? Why? 10. What equipment do you normally find in a hotel? 2. Read these sentences. Underline the words from the Active Vocabulary. Close your eyes. How many sentences can you recollect? Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните новые слова урока. Закройте глаза и постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше из данных предложений. 1. Put these things into the middle drawer next to the coffee maker. 2. Don’t forget to switch off the lights. 3. To take a photograph you should press the button on the right. 4. I’ll have to turn down the central heating. 5. How does this fax machine work? 6. There is a thermostat here on the wall. 7. The grain will be stored on the top floor. 8. The mill is powered by this device. 9. What things are made from wood? 10. The hotel room wasn’t comfortable enough. 3. Read the dialogues and try to learn them. Прочитайтедиалогиипостарайтесьихзапомнить. I Karl: Thank you very much for your help. I also want to give you these brochures for the meeting tomorrow morning. Julia: Thank you. Karl: And I have a present for you. Julia: A present? For me? Karl: Yes. Here it is. Julia: What’s this? Karl: It’s a CD player. It has a radio, too. Julia: Thank you, Carl. And how does it work. Karl: Look there is a switch. It has two positions: one for the player, and one for the radio. Julia: Oh, I’ve got it. And where do these headphones go? Karl: Here. Julia: I see. Karl: And I want to give you this CD about German cookery. Perhaps, you’ll like it. Julia: Thank you, Carl. II Rachel: Rita, could you help me? I don’t know how this fax machine works. Rita: It’s easy. I’ll show you. First, put the letter in here. Like this. OK? Rachel: Yes. Rita: Next, press this button, the button with «TEL». Rachel: Does it stand for «telephone»? Rita: Yes. Then, type in the fax number. What is it? Rachel: 0279450767. Rita: The, wait for the message «on line». Here. Rachel: Yes. Rita: And that’s it. Got it? Rachel: I think so. May I try now? Rita: Sure. 4. Make up a dialogue putting the sentences in the right order. Составьте диалог, расположив предложения в логическом порядке. Инсценируйте диалог. Carl in the hotel ![]() 7. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. A flour mill Mildred Cookson works as a miller at an old water mill on the Thames. This water mill was built two centuries ago, but it is still working. Here, the grain is turned into flour. And flour is used to make bread and cakes. Mildred is telling us how the mill works. The water mill is actually powered by this water wheel here. The river water flows and turns the wheel. The water wheel in turns moves all the machinery inside the mill. The grain is brought to the mill in sacks. Mildred has to get it up from the ground floor up into the roof. So, the grain is stored on the roof. Then, when the water wheel starts up, the grain flows down from the top floor to the stone floor. On the stone floor there are millstones, and the grain flows into the millstones. The set of millstones without the covering on involves the top stone that goes round and the bottom stone that doesn’t move. The grain goes into the middle of the millstones, in between the top and the bottom ones. It is turned slowly into flour as it goes to the edge. Then, it is pushed down a hole in the floor down to the flour bags below. ![]() ASSIGNMENT 6 LESSON 6 PART 1Choose the correct word. Выберите подходящее слово. ![]() Find an extra word in each line.The first is done for you. Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строке. Первая строка дана как пример. ![]() Choose the correct variant. Выберите правильный вариант. ![]() ![]() LESSON 7. Getting around town ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. How often do you have to use public transport? 2. Do you always travel using a map? 3. Which places in your town do you most often go to? 4. Is the public transport in your town quite good? 5. What other kinds of transport do you sometimes have to use? 6. How can you get to Moscow? 7. How do you usually get to work? 8. Why is underground very popular? 9. Which is the most expensive town transport? 10. How can you travel by sea? 2. Make up small dialogues of your own. Keep to the topics given. Составьте свои диалоги, следуя данным темам. A. You wanted to book a room in your town, but it is too expensive. B. You wanted to book a room, but you see it is not convenient enough. C. Book a double room for two nights, bed and breakfast. D. You want to find out how all the equipment in your room works (TV, lights, radio). 3. Complete the dialogue. Use the phrases given. Составьте диалог, используя данные образцы. Where does this go? Do these go in there? What is it made of? How does it work? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ First, put in a CD. Next, switch on the player. Then, listen to music. Is that clear? Do you understand? Have you got it? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Can I book a hotel room? Bed and breakfast only. Is the room comfortable? Can I pay by credit card? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 4. Give the sentences in English. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Я не смогу доехать до места работы на метро. ..................................................................................................................... 2. Эта станция была построена три года назад. ..................................................................................................................... 3. Мне не придется использовать общественный транспорт. ..................................................................................................................... 4. Ему не следует лететь самолетом. Это слишком дорого. ..................................................................................................................... 5. Вам не следует показывать ему дорогу. ..................................................................................................................... 6. Эта спортивная машина будет изготовлена через год. ..................................................................................................................... 7. Новые автобусы были закуплены нашим городом. ..................................................................................................................... FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. fare – стоимость проезда, плата за проезд What is the fare? 2. canoe – каноэ, байдарка 3. foot – фут (30,48 см) сесть на стул 4. line – линия, черта Underground line – линия метро Hold the line – не вешайте трубку 5. mile – миля English mile (1609 м) – английская миля Admiralty mile (1853 м) – морская миля 6. stop – остановка The train goes through without a stop. – Поезд идет без остановок. 7. truck (Am)/lorry (Br) – грузовой автомобиль 8. tube – труба; тюбик; метрополитен (в Лондоне) 9. section – секция 10. adult – взрослый 11. attraction – притяжение, привлекательность 12. interaction – взаимодействие 13. length (adj. long) – длина Width (adj. wide) – ширина Depth (adj. deep) – глубина Height (adj. high) – высота 14. lock – замок (дверной); шлюз 15. pensioner – пенсионер 16. reduction – снижение, скидка Syn. Discount – скидка 17. standard – стандарт 18. system – система 19. tunnel – туннель 20. change – сдача, мелочь Adjectives1. attractive – привлекательный 2. overland – наземный (транспорт) 3. fantastic – превосходный, фантастический 4. fascinating – очаровательный 5. weekly – еженедельный Verbs1. to run – ходить, курсировать; управлять 2. to stamp – штамповать, ставить оттиск 3. to take – занимать, отнимать (о времени) 4. to change – делать пересадку 5. to keep – держать, хранить 6. to attract – привлекать; притягивать(ся) 7. to get to – добраться до Adverbs1. perhaps – возможно Perhaps, I’ll go there. – Возможно, я туда поеду. 2. about – приблизительно It takes about 30 minutes. – Это занимает около тридцати минут. 3. almost – почти 4. everywhere – везде Word Combinations1. every ten minutes – каждые десять минут 2. get around – передвигаться по городу 3. get off the bus – сойти с автобуса 4. get on the train – сесть на поезд 5. catch the bus – сесть на автобус (поймать автобус) 6. how far – как далеко How far is it from here to the city centre? 7. how long – как долго 8. bus stop – автобусная остановка 9. fresh air – свежий воздух 10. high summer – разгар лета 11. in total – в целом 12. speed limit – ограничение скорости 1. Complete the sentences using the words from the Active Vocabulary. Дополните предложения, используя слова Активного Словаря. 1. It was very difficult to...................................................................................... 2. We will have to............................................................................................. 3. The buses here.............................................................................................. 4. The drivers should.......................................................................................... 5. I didn’t have to.............................................................................................. 6. In London ..................................................................................................... 7. The main attraction here is................................................................................ 8. Last year I................................................................................................... 9. They were going to........................................................................................ 10. It was the most............................................................................................. 2. Match the word with the translation. Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом. ![]() 3. Complete the table with the words. Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова. Pensioner, keep, everywhere, depth, wide, weekly, fare, tube, line, run, perhaps, almost, about, get to, fantastic, overland, catch, take, high, total. ![]() Write some sentences with four words (one adjective, one noun, one verb and one adverb) in one sentence. Напишите несколько предложений, используя по одному прилагательному, одному существительному, одному глаголу и одному наречию в каждом предложении. Example: Perhaps, all pensioners can get to this place in high summer. 1. ......................................................................................................... 2. ......................................................................................................... 3. ......................................................................................................... 4. ......................................................................................................... 5. ......................................................................................................... 4. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Using the transport Как воспользоваться транспортом ![]() ![]() 5. Speak about the public transport in your town. Say a) what buses run there, where you can get to, how long it usually takes, how much the fares are, where the journeys make their way; b) where the trains run, how far and how long hey run, what the fares are, if there are reductions, if the journey overland is fascinating; c) if there are other kinds of transport. Расскажите о работе общественного транспорта в Вашем городе .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... 6. Draw the scheme of Moscow/St.Petersburg/Nizhniy Novgorod/etc. Underground System. Speak about different lines. Say how you can get to the best shops, restaurants, picture galleries, etc. Нарисуйте приблизительную схему метрополитена Москвы / Санкт-Петербурга / Нижнего Новгорода, и т. д. Объясните, как можно добраться до лучших магазинов, ресторанов, музеев... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ![]() 7. Write the questions to the answers given. Напишите вопросы к данным ответам. ![]() Showing the way Как объяснить дорогу куда-либо ![]() 8. Read the dialogues. Fill in the missing words taking them from the Word Box. Прочитайте диалоги. Дополните их словами из рамочки. ![]() A. Excuse me. Could you...................me the way to the ....................Post Office? B. Yes, of course. Go...................on. Then ...................left. A. Thank you. How...................is it? B. It is not far. .....................a mile. But you can take a bus. A. How...................does the bus....................? B. Every five...................... A. How..................will it..................me to get to the bus stop? B. A minute. We are standing.................it. A. Will I have to....................the road? B. Yes. Hurry up! The bus is..................... A. Excuse me. Is..............a restaurant near here? B. Not near here. But there’s a good one in Penn Road? A. How do I.................to Penn Road? B. You can go............bus or you may.................. A. Is it...................from here? B. No. But you can easily lose your ................ A. But could you tell me the way there? B. Certainly. Go straight.................. You’ll come to some.................... You’ll ..............to turn.................. Walk................. Denver Street ..................to the crossroads. Take the second...................on the right and... A. Oh, I see. It is too difficult. You see, I am a ................here. And what bus will take me there? B. .................bus. ![]() 9. Make up word combinations. Составьте словосочетания. ![]() FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1The Passive Voice (More practice) Страдательный залог (Дополнительная практика) 1. Make up Passive sentences using the following Irregular verbs. Check for their forms. Составьте страдательные предложения, используя данные неправильные глаголы. Проверьте правильность Вашего написания их форм. ![]() 2. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений. ![]() 3. Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. 1. Плата за проезд была нами отдана Сэму. .................................................................................................................. 2. Почему замки будут установлены только завтра? .................................................................................................................. 3. Все деньги будут храниться в конверте в сейфе. .................................................................................................................. 4. Эта очаровательная кукла сделана из дерева. .................................................................................................................. 5. Тебя будут спрашивать каждые двадцать минут. .................................................................................................................. 6. Где купили эту еженедельную газету? .................................................................................................................. 7. Что будет построено напротив вокзала? .................................................................................................................. 8. Длина и ширина этой детали были даны в анкете. .................................................................................................................. Language focus 2The Gerund Герундий Герундий очень часто используется в английском языке. Эта форма образована от глагола, но в предложении отвечает на вопрос имени существительного «что?», например, walking, driving, taking. На русский язык может переводиться такими формами, как «гуляние» от глагола «гулять» или «зарабатывание» от глагола «зарабатывать» Форма герундия используется после следующих, уже известных Вам, выражений: I like driving. Я люблю (что?) вождение. He is fond of swimming. Ему нравится плавание. We are keen on reading. Мыувлекаемсячтением. I am bored with talking to him. Я скучаю от разговоров/разговаривания с ним. He enjoys skating. Ему очень нравится катание на коньках. She hates cooking dinner. Она ненавидит приготовление ужина. Необходимо запомнить еще несколько выражений, которые очень часто используются в английском языке, и которые требуют после себя употребление герундия. Запоминать их нужно вместе с предлогами, которые следуют за ними (за некоторыми из них). avoid – избегать He avoids meeting him. continue – продолжать He should continue working here. finish – заканчивать He finished reading when he saw me. start – начинать She started cooking at 10 o’clock. thank for – благодарить за He thanked me for doing this job. be proud of – гордиться He is proud of doing it well. afford – позволить(себе) I can’t afford buying a car. be tired of – устать He was tired of swimming. give up – бросить(привычку, занятие) He gave up learning English. be engaged in – бытьзанятым(чем-либо) He is engaged in drawing. apologize for – извиняться за He apologized for smoking there. spend time/money on/in – тратить время/деньги на You shouldn’t spend time on looking for him. object to – возражать против He objected to my going there. be accused of – быть обвиненным He was accused of killing him. be worth (while) – стоить This book is worth (while) reading. be afraid of – бояться He was afraid of losing her. 4. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. ![]() 5. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. He enjoys....................................................................... We are fond of................................................................. He objects to................................................................... He is never tired of............................................................ He was accused of............................................................. He couldn’t give up............................................................ He tries to avoid................................................................ Thank you for.................................................................. It is worth....................................................................... I can’t afford................................................................... He started..................................................................... She was proud of............................................................. I wanted to continue......................................................... She is keen on................................................................ They were afraid of.......................................................... He isn’t engaged in.......................................................... 6. Make up the sentences of your own using the following Gerunds. Составьте свои предложения, используя следующи еформы герундия. ![]() 7. Give the sentences in English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Why do we sometimes avoid using public transport? 2. Why do we sometimes give up driving in the city centre? 3. Which is the best way to get around your town? 4. Which is the bus/taxi/train fare? 5. Do you have to change when you are going to work? 6. Which places in your town can you call fascinating? Why? 7. Why can your town attract visitors? 8. Do bus drivers sell tickets? 9. Do buses in your town usually run on time? 10. Why are we sometimes tired of driving? 2. Agree or disagree. Explain your ideas. Согласитесь или опровергните данные суждения. Объясните своемнение. 1. People usually prefer travelling by train to travelling by plain. 2. Public transport is always packed. 3. We have to buy our bus tickets in a shop. 4. A weekly ticket is cheaper than a one-day ticket. 5. Going by an overland train is faster than by tube. 6. It isn’t worth while driving in the town centre. 7. There are now shopping centres not far from people’s home. 8. When people go to the theatre they try not to use public transport. 9. There is no way that people can get any reductions. 10. Bus drivers stop the bus only at the bus stops. 3. Order and read the dialogue. Try to learn it. Расставьте реплики в правильной последовательности и прочитайте диалог. Постарайтесь его запомнить. ![]() 4. Match the questions to the answers. Найдите подходящие по смыслу ответы. ![]() 5. Read the dialogue. Try to learn it. Прочитайте диалог и постарайтесь выучить его. Karl: How do we get to the museum? Julia: First we go by bus and then we go by tube. Karl: Tube? What’s that? You buy toothpaste in tubes. Julia: The tube is another word for the underground. Karl: Oh, I see. How far is it from the station to the museum? Julia: Oh, not far. Half a kilometer. Karl: And how long does it take? Julia: From Holborn Station? Karl: No, from here. The whole journey. Julia: About three quarters of an hour. Karl: In Munich I go everywhere by tram Are there trams in London? Julia: No. My grandmother told me that there were trams when she was young. But not now. I don’t know why. Karl: How often do these buses run? Julia: Every ten minutes. Karl: But you said it ten minutes ago. Come on, Julia. Let’s get a taxi. Julia: Karl, taxis are expensive. Karl: But it’s not far to the hotel. It won’t cost much. 6. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. Paul Money’s Canal Boat Paul Money has a canal boat. He takes passengers and shows them the canal and its attractions. They go from Little Venice down to Hampstead Road Lock. The journey down to Hampstead Road Lock is a distance of about two and a half miles, so that’s five miles in total. And the return journey takes one and a half hours. The journey goes through the tunnel under Maida Hill, which is about 250 metres long. By canal standards it’s quite short, it’s one of the shorter tunnels on the system. Some tunnels go as much as three miles in length. The fastest that the boat travels is about four and three quarter miles an hour, but the speed limit is actually four miles an hour. The journey makes its way around the north-west edge of Regent’s Park through the London Zoo. The passengers are always attracted by the animals and birds living here. In the high summer they make four trips a day. The return fare for an adult is four pounds fifty, or a single fare three pounds fifty. Then there are reductions for children and pensioners. Complete the sentences. Закончите предложения. 1. The distance between Little Venice and Hampstead Road Lock is................................ 2. The way there and back takes about................................................................... 3. The main attractions on the way are................................................................... 4. Thee tunnel is............................................................................................ 5. The speed limit on the canal is........................................................................ 6. The return fare for an adult is.......................................................................... ![]() ASSIGNMENT 7 LESSON 7 PART 1Find an extra word in each line.The first is done for you. Найдите лишнее слово в каждой сроке. Первая строка дана как пример. ![]() Choose the correct word. Выберите подходящее слово. ![]() Ask Questions. Start them with the words given. Задайте вопросы, начинающиеся с данных слов. ![]() Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() LESSON 8. You and your body ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. How do you prefer to keep fit? 2. What do you usually do to relax? 3. What kinds of sport do you do? 4. What kinds of sport did you do 10/15/20 years ago? Why don’t you do them now? 5. Why is it important to go in for sport? 6. What kinds of sport do you avoid and why? 7. Which kinds of sport are popular at the moment and why? 8. Do you sometimes spend your weekend on going fishing/boating/rafting, etc.? 9. Do you prevent your children from doing some sports? Why? 10. How much do you usually spend on your sport activities? 2. Complete the sentences. Speak about your sport activities. Refer to the kinds of sport given below. Закончите. предложения, рассказывая.в. них.о. различных. видах. спорта, перечисленных. ниже. Bicycle riding/cycling, outdoor games (football, volleyball, mini-ball, golf, cricket, etc.), boating, rafting, dancing, athletics, aerobics, shaping, body-building, wrestling, water-polo, swimming, sailing, boxing, running, high/long jump 1. I usually avoid .......................................................because............................... 2. I am proud of doing.................................................because................................ 3. My son gave up...................................................because.................................. 4. I can’t help doing................................................because................................... 5. I had to...........................................................and it....................................... 6. I am tired of....................................................as it.......................................... 7. My wife is very much fond of...............................as it.......................................... 8. My son is bored with........................................as.............................................. 9. It is worth while doing.......................................as............................................. 10. I think I won’t be able to...................................as............................................. 3. Make up correct questions. Составьте вопросительные предложения. 1. I was proud of attracting her attention. Why..................................................................................... 2. It took me three months to learn to cycle. How long................................................................................... 3. I will have to get off at the next stop. Why....................................................................................... 4. I thanked him for paying for my sport lesson. Whom..................................................................................... 5. He was engaged in doing athletics. Why..................................................................................... 6. I can’t afford doing sailing as it is very expensive. What....................................................................................... 7. He will be bored with doing nothing. Who..................................................................................... 8. She apologized for running badly. When......................................................................................... 9. I can’t help buying a weekly ticket. Why..................................................................................... 10. In total I had to change three times. Where...................................................................................... 4. Make up two stories about some sport activities people do/did. Use all the words given below. Составьте два коротких рассказа о том, как кто-либо занимался спортом. Используйте все предложенные слова. Story One Attraction, be bored with, reduction, truck, be interested in, keep, in total, cycling, fascinating, apologize for, start, fresh air, adult, prevent from .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. Story Two High summer, length, canoe, be accused of, be proud of, afford, section, depth, speed limit, overland, lock, give up, object to .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. agreement – cоглашение, согласие 2. discussion – обсуждение 3. suggestion – предложение To make a suggestion – внести предложение 4. reason for – причина чего-либо 5. majority – большинство 6. welfare – благополучие 7. education – образование Primary/secondary/high education – начальное/среднее/высшее образование 8. item – пункт (списка), предмет (в списке) 9. purse/wallet – кошелек/портмоне 10. ache – боль 11. stomachache/toothache/headache – боль в желудке/зубная/головная 12. temperature – температура To take one’s temperature – измерять температуру 13. shoulder – плечо Shoulder length – длиною до плеч 14. support – поддержка Friendly support – дружеская поддержка 15. solution – решение Problem solution – решение проблемы 16. accident – несчастный случай 17. pain – боль (острая) 18. ambulance – скорая помощь/машина скорой помощи 19. barrier – барьер 20. emotion – эмоция, переживание 21. isolation – изоляция, отстранение 22. stamina – выдержка, выносливость 23. strength – сила, прочность 24. waist – талия 25. wrist – запястье Adjectives1. still – тихий, бесшумный 2. ill – больной to be ill/to fall ill – болеть/заболеть 3. tight – плотный, компактный 4. careful – аккуратный 5. crucial – решающий, критический 6. mobile – подвижный, мобильный 7. noisy – шумный 8. quiet – спокойный 9. dirty – грязный Verbs1. to measure – измерять 2. to remain – оставаться 3. to fall – падать to fall down 4. to win – выигрывать, побеждать 5. to worry – беспокоить(ся) 6. to cut – резать, отрезать 7. to lose – терять, проигрывать 8. to receive – получать Adverbs1. freely – свободно 2. relatively – относительно relatively difficult Word Combinations1. first course – первое блюдо 2. fresh herbs – свежая зелень 3. a long way from – далеко от 4. set off for – направиться куда-либо 5. horse-riding – верховая езда 6. what’s the matter – что случилось, в чем дело 7. for instance – например 8. hurt one’s feelings – ранить чьи-либо чувства 9. look out – опасаться, быть настороже 10. be in somebody’s shoes – быть в таком же положении, как кто-либо 1. Match the word with the translation. Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом. ![]() 2. Make word combinations. Составьте словосочетания. ![]() 3. Answer the questions. In each of your answers there must be two words from the Active Vocabulary. Ответьте на вопросы так, чтобы в каждом из Ваших ответов было по два слова из Активного Словаря. 1. Do you feel any pain? ................................................................................................................ 2. What will you have for dinner? ................................................................................................................ 3. Can you live in isolation? ................................................................................................................ 4. Where does it hurt? ................................................................................................................ 5. Did you have an accident? ................................................................................................................ 6. What’s the matter? ................................................................................................................ 7. When did you fall ill? ................................................................................................................ 8. Where are the majority of your colleagues now? ................................................................................................................ 4. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Describing things. Как описать предметы. ![]() 5. Read and choose the correct question. Прочитайте и выберите подходящий вопрос. ![]() 6. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. How big is your desk? ............................................................................................. 2. What is your favourite sweater made of? .............................................................................................. 3. What is your watch like? .............................................................................................. 4. What shape is the looking glass in the bathroom? .............................................................................................. 5. How high is the wardrobe in your bedroom? ............................................................................................. 6. What are the majority of the houses in your street made of? ............................................................................................. 7. What is your flat like? ............................................................................................. 8. How wide is your desk? ............................................................................................. 9. How long is the longest river in Russia? ............................................................................................. 10. What do you think of your new computer? ............................................................................................. 7. Describe the following objects. Опишите следующие предметы. How big is it? How high is it? How wide is it? How long is it? What is it like? What colour is it? What is it made of? What shape is it? What do you think of it? ![]() Some Linking words Слова-связки Слова-связки (например, but, and) широко используются как в русском, так и в английском языках для связи предложений. Наиболее часто употребляемыми являются следующие: ![]() 8. Read the sentences and give their translation. Прочитайте и переведите данные предложения. 1. Lisa didn’t support her. As a result, she had no time to cater for her family welfare. ................................................................................................................ 2. As opposed to Jane, Jack made a good suggestion. ................................................................................................................ 3. In spite of the fact that the desk was 1 metre wide and made of wood we decided to buy it. ................................................................................................................ 4. He measured the carpet, but then he lost this information. ................................................................................................................ 5. In order to win the game she had to be very mobile and careful. ................................................................................................................ 6. My stamina is down. Besides, I won’t be able to live in isolation. ................................................................................................................ 7. As I worried a lot about his health, I decided to call the ambulance. ................................................................................................................ 8. My shoes were too tight. That’s why my feet hurt. ................................................................................................................ 9. What’s the matter? You look awful! To begin with, I lost my wallet. Besides, I fell down and hurt my leg. ................................................................................................................ 10. Look out! He wanted to come to an agreement with you. However, he remains silent. ................................................................................................................ 9. Make up sentences using the following words. Use the Linking words given below. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова. Также используйте слова-связки, предлагаемые ниже. As a result, however, as opposed to, besides, in spite of the fact that, as, to begin with, in comparison with, on the one hand/on the other hand, then, so, in order to ![]() FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1The Present Perfect Tense Настоящее совершенное время Настоящее совершенное время тесно связано и с прошедшим, и с настоящим. Оно выражает результат прошедшего действия на настоящий момент времени. Например, Я уже закончил институт. Кто съел мое пирожное? В отличие от прошедшего времени, оно никогда не употребляется с обстоятельствами времени, указывающими на совершение действия в прошлом (такими как yesterday, two days ago, last year, in 1998). Ведь их использование в предложении свидетельствует о том, что действие никак не связано с настоящим временем. Например, Я потерял кошелек два месяца назад. I lost my wallet two months ago. Кто вчера съел мой торт? Who ate my cake yesterday? Настоящее совершенное время употребляется со следующими наречиями времени: Never – никогда Ever – когда-либо (в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях) Already – уже (в утвердительных предложениях) Yet – еще/уже (в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях) Just – только что Recently – недавно Lately – за последнее время This year/month/morning (если год, месяц или утро еще не закончились) Настоящее совершенное время образуется следующим образом: Have/has+3-я форма глагола 3-я форма правильных глаголов совпадает со второй (to play-played-played). 3-ю форму неправильных глаголов необходимо запомнить I have never seen tigers.I’ve never seen tigers. He has just visited India. He’s just visited India. Have you ever been to the Zoo? I haven’t ever cooked pizza./I have never cooked pizza. I haven’t measured this table yet. He has recently won the prize. He’s recently won the prize. I haven’t read anything lately. This evening I have cooked a delicious dinner. This evening I’ve cooked a delicious dinner. Обратите внимание на место наречий времени в Present Perfect Tense. 1. Use the correct form of the verb in the Present Perfect Tense. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму во времени Present Perfect. 1. He has never (to be)......................to the United States. 2. Have you (to see).......................our new catalogue yet? 3. I have just (to receive)........................your postcard. 4. He has just (to break)..........................the new equipment. 5. They have already (to win).......................this important prize. 6. He hasn’t ever (to take)...........................any books from the library. 7. Have you (to call)........................your mother yet? 8. I haven’t (to send)..........................the post yet. 9. They haven’t (to tell).......................me about the accident yet. 10. Who has recently (to take).....................her home? 11. We have already (to discuss)........................all these reasons. 12. Have you ever (to work)...........................on a farm? 13. I haven’t ever (to lose)............................anything important. 14. I have just (to change)...........................my diet. 15. This year I have (to get)........................a reduction. 16. He has never (to drive).........................a truck. 17. This month we have (to hire).......................three new workers. 18. He hasn’t (to reduce)...........................speed yet. 19. I have already (to deal).........................with people of numerous walks of life. 20. Has your mother ever (to allow).........................you to walk late? 2. Translate the sentences. Use the Present Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения, используя настоящее совершенное время. 1. Я уже вызвал скорую помощь. .................................................................................................................. 2. Я только что порезал овощи для супа. .................................................................................................................. 3. Он никогда не беспокоился обо мне. .................................................................................................................. 4. Я еще не рассказал тебе об этом несчастном случае. .................................................................................................................. 5. У вас когда-либо было такое чувство? .................................................................................................................. 6. Он недавно получил необычное сообщение. .................................................................................................................. 7. За последнее время я потерял три кошелька. .................................................................................................................. 8. Вы уже внесли это предложение? .................................................................................................................. 3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. ![]() 4. Make up the sentences of your own with the irregular verbs given. Use the Present Perfect Tense. Составьте свои предложения с данными неправильными глаголами в настоящем совершенном времени. ![]() Absolute Pronouns Абсолютные местоимения В английском языке часто используются абсолютные особые формы местоимений. Они как бы заменяют сочетание притяжательное местоимение+существительное. После них существительное уже не употребляется. Например, This is my chair. (притяжательное местоимение+существительное) Это мой стул. This chair is mine. (абсолютное местоимение) Этот стул мой. Эти формы необходимо запомнить. That is my desk. – That desk is mine. It is your purse. – It is yours. Her house is big. – But hers is bigger. That is his friend. – That friend is his./That is a friend of his. Our umbrella is unusual. – Ours is usual. This is your passport. – This is yours. Their suggestion is good. – Theirs is good. 5. Change the sentences. Use the example given. Измените предложения, используя образец. Например: This purse belongs to me. It’s mine. ![]() 6. Complete the sentences. Use the following example. Закончите предложения по образцу. Например: My wallet is in the pocket. But yours is in the car. ![]() 7. Give the sentences in English. Переведите предложения на английский язык. ![]() 8. Find a mistake in each of the sentences. Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений. ![]() READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Why are stamina and strength very important for people’s lives? 2. What do you do in order to avoid falling ill? 3. Have you ever broken anything (your leg or arm)? 4. What should you do in order to make your body mobile? 5. Why do people sometimes have headache/stomachache/toothache? 6. Why do people sometimes have to call the ambulance? 7. Which sports help us to make the body stronger and more mobile? 8. Can you recollect the most awful accident you have ever met with? 9. When did you fall ill last time? What illness was it? 10. Which sport prizes have you ever received? 2. Now write and speak about these people. Use the Linking words given. Напишите и расскажите об этих людях. Используйте данные слова-связки. On the one hand/on the other hand, besides, however, in spite of the fact that, in comparison with, as opposed to, to begin with, as a result, so, then. ![]() .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 3. Complete the sentences. Try to use the words from the Active Vocabulary. Закончите предложения, используя слова из Активного Словаря. 1. You should measure your desk as....................................................................... 2. On the one hand, he has never lost, but................................................................. 3. He has received lots of medals. Besides,............................................................... 4. In comparison with her feelings......................................................................... 5. My shoes are too tight. However,....................................................................... 6. In spite of the fact that she worries about me,......................................................... 7. He has just cut his fingers. We should.................................................................. 8. What’s the matter? We have just........................................................................ 9. His wallet is rectangular, but mine...................................................................... 10. His friends have always supported me, but hers..................................................... 4. Read the dialogue and fill in the missing information. Прочитайте диалог и добавьте необходимую по смыслу информацию. Julia: James, what are you doing? James: I’m measuring my desk? Julia: Why? James: ................................................................................. Julia: And how big is your desk? James: ................................................................................. Julia: And the one in the catalogue you are going to buy? James: ................................................................................. Julia: What’s it made of? James: ................................................................................. Julia: What’s it like? James: ................................................................................. Well, have a look at it. What do you think of it? Julia: ................................................................................... James: Yes, I quite agree. 5. Write in the missing words. Then learn the dialogue. Дополните диалог словами по смыслу. Выучите его. Has, matter, look out, be careful, better, get up, headache, careful, broken, worry, fell, hospital, doesn’t, feel, hurts, gone, stomachache Mother: Come on, John. Time to .................................... Son: I don’t..............................well. Mother: Oh, dear. What’s the................................? Son: I have a................................. And my arm........................... And I have ............................... .................................., Mum! Be......................... Don’t sit there. Mother: Why not? Son: I..........................out of bed last night. I’ve.......................my leg, I think. Mother: Oh, dear. You should go to..................................... Son: No, I’ll be all right. But I can’t go to school today. Mother: Don’t........................... John. You can stay in bed all day. Today is Saturday. There is no school today................................., John! Son: It’s all right, Mum. My headache....................gone. My arm........................hurt. My stomachache has.......................... And my leg is........................... I think I’ll get up now. 6. Read the dialogue and try to learn it. Прочитайте диалог и постарайтесь его запомнить. Rachel: I’ve done it! I’ve done it! Julia: What is it? Rachel: I have just won a holiday. For two. To Italy! Julia: Rachel, look out!.......Are you all right? Are you OK? Rachel: I don’t know. I’ve broken my leg, I think. Julia: Now, don’t worry. Which leg is it? Rachel: This one. Julia: And where does it hurt? Rachel: There. Tom: What has happened? Julia: It’s Rachel. She has hurt herself. Has she broken anything? Tom: I’m not sure. I don’t think so. But don’t move her. She should go to hospital. I’ll call an ambulance. (after an hour) Rachel has hurt her leg but she hasn’t broken it. 7. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. A Dance Class Mary Evelin teaches dancing in the London School of contemporary dance. She is very much interested in studying the human body and the way it moves. It is relatively difficult as it takes a lot of her time and energy. The majority of her students have already won lots of prizes in their dancing career. Mary has always loved to watch dancing. She finds it fascinating because it is something which crosses all barriers. It is often called the language of dance. It is a way of communicating emotion or feelings, stories without having to use words. She thinks that strength is very important to the dancer and stamina. Dancers have a lot of work to do in order to make their body mobile. That’s to make the arms, the legs, the head move freely, and to have control over the different parts of the body. Isolation in dance is very important. It is crucial that the dancer learns to use all the different parts of the body in separation from each other. So that, for instance when the whole of the body is still, they could move just a hand from the wrist, or just a head, just a shoulder. Each part of the body must be mobile. A. Retell the text. Перескажите текст. B. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. In spite of the fact that Mary likes dancing, she...................................................... Dancing takes a lot of her time. Besides,............................................................... In comparison with........................, dancing..................................................... She is a very good teacher, as she....................................................................... She has already practiced a lot, so she.................................................................. On the one hand, dancers have to make their body mobile, but on the other hand................ ............................................................................................................... Dancing is very difficult. But however,................................................................ C. Ask five questions about the text. Задайте пять вопросов к тексту. D. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. How does Mary study the human body? 2. Why does she love dancing? 3. Have her students become good dancers yet? 4. What is the language of dance? 5. What is very important for the dancer to be able to do? 6. Why is isolation in dance very important? ASSIGNMENT 8 LESSON 8 PART 1Choose the correct word. Выберите подходящее слово. ![]() Find a mistake in each line. The first is done for you. Найдите ошибку в каждой из строк. Первая строка дана как пример. ![]() Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() Choose the right question. Выберите правильный вопрос. ![]() LESSON 9. Things going wrong ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. Why do you sometimes have problems at work? 2. Who helps you to deal with problems at work? 3. Have you ever had to change jobs? Why? 4. Have you ever met with an accident? 5. Have you ever lost anything important? 6. What problems at home do you sometimes have? 7. How do you deal with these problems? 8. Why do we sometimes lose self-control when we deal with problems? 9. What do you feel when you are late? 10. Do you remember any serious problems you have had to deal with? 2. Say what you have done in your life and what you haven’t. Скажите, чем Вы занимались в своей жизни, а чем – нет. To have an accident, to lose a wallet, to repair cars, to live in Spain, to have a wife/husband, to win a holiday, to break a leg, to buy tight shoes, to live in the countryside, to be to the British Museum, to travel by canal boat, to stay in a hotel, deal with people from numerous walks of life, to receive a letter from Britain, to cut a finger, to call an ambulance. ![]() 3. Make up correct sentences. Составьте предложения из данных слов. 1. never/he/communicated/foreigners/has/with. ..................................................................................... 2. you/ever/broken/leg/your/have? ...................................................................................... 3. recently/have/I/had/call/an/to/ambulance. ...................................................................................... 4. problems/you/ever/what/had/your/life/in/have? ..................................................................................... 5. a/Rita/won/holiday/two/to/Italy/has/just/for. ..................................................................................... 6. never/bought/made/gold/he/has/a/of/watch. ....................................................................................... 7. hasn’t/my/measured/her/pressure/grandmother/lately. ..................................................................................... 8. been/European/you/have/any/country/ever/to? ...................................................................................... 4. Speak about your life. Use the verbs given. Use the adverbs given below. Расскажите о своей жизни. Используйте данные глаголы. Используйте приведенные наречия. Already, never, lately, recently, just, this year, this month, this morning To see, to visit, to play, to feel, to receive, to win, to break, to cook, to measure, to worry, to hear, fall down, to solve, to discuss, to change, to touch, to store, to hire, allow, to overtake, to advise, to hurry, to deal with, to offer .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. situation – ситуация, положение 2. luck – удача Good luck – Желаю удачи No luck – вышло неудачно 3. truth – правда To tell the truth – по правде говоря 4. accident – несчастный случай To meet with an accident – попасть в аварию 5. reportage – репортаж 6. mind – ум To change one’s mind – изменить свое мнение 7. brakes – тормоза 8. cause – причина 9. briefcase – портфель 10. blanket – одеяло 11. engine – двигатель, мотор 12. neighbour – сосед 13. report – отчет, доклад To make a report – сделать доклад 14. wedding – свадьба Wedding party – свадебная вечеринка 15. fire – огонь, пожар To catch fire – загореться 16. invitation – приглашение To receive an invitation – получить приглашение 17. reception – прием 18. speech – речь To make a speech – произнести речь 19. fortune – удача, судьба, фортуна To tell the fortune – предсказывать судьбу 20. cloud – облако, туча A cloud on one’s happiness – облако, омрачающее чье-либо счастье 21. shot – выстрел, снимок (в фотографировании) 22. photographer – фотограф 23. sky – небо 24. attic – чердак Adjectives 1. grateful – благодарный 2. serious – серьезный 3. wooden – деревянный 4. individual – личный, индивидуальный 5. lucky – удачный 6. unlucky – несчастный, неудачный 7. narrow – узкий Verbs1. to remember – помнить 2. to memorize – запоминать 3. to recollect – вспоминать 4. to burn (burnt, burnt) – гореть, жечь 5. to climb – карабкаться, взбираться на 6. to catch (caught, caught) – ловить, поймать 7. to drop – ронять 8. to fill – наполнять 9. to grab – схватить 10. to hang (hung, hung) – вешать 11. to snatch – резко схватить, вырывать 12. to splutter – шипеть, трещать (об огне) 13. to go wrong – не удаваться 14. to expect – ожидать 15. to find – находить to find out/to discover – открывать, обнаруживать Adverbs1. fortunately – к счастью 2. unfortunately – к несчастью 3. for/since – на протяжении/с Word Combinations1. wedding ring – обручальное кольцо 2. rear lights – задние габаритные огни (фары) 3. to look around – осмотреться 4. towards the fire – по направлению к огню 5. to fight an attic fire – сражаться с огнем на чердаке 6. to make entry into the house – войти в дом 7. to back out – пятиться назад из дома 8. to come down the stairs – спускаться по лестнице 8. a case in point – подходящий случай 1. Match the word with the translation. Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом. ![]() 2. Make word combinations. Составьте словосочетания. ![]() 3. Give explanation. What do these words and word combinations mean? Объясните значения данных слов и словосочетаний. Example: a professional shot It is a shot made by a professional photographer. 1. to catch fire ................................................................................................................ 2. a cloud on one’s happiness ................................................................................................................ 3. a case in point ................................................................................................................ 4. to meet with an accident ................................................................................................................ 5. to change one’s mind ................................................................................................................ 6. fortune ................................................................................................................ 7. neighbour ................................................................................................................ 8. brakes ................................................................................................................ 4. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() 5. Make up the sentences of your own using the following words. Составьте свои предложения, используя данные слова. 1. unfortunately, neighbour, report ................................................................................................................ 2. accident, catch, serious ................................................................................................................ 3. splutter, climb ................................................................................................................ 4. find out, change my mind ................................................................................................................ 5. recollect, invitation, drop ................................................................................................................ 6. towards, burn ................................................................................................................ 7. memorize, engine ................................................................................................................ 8. entry, cause ................................................................................................................ Language focus 1 The Use of Articles Использование артиклей Неопределенный артикль (a/an) употребляется: 1. Когда речь идет о каком-либо лице или предмете, упоминаемом впервые. Please, give me a cassette. 2. Когда имеется в виду любой (any) представитель данного класса лиц или предметов. A child should study well. 3. Когда существительное обозначает, кем или чем является лицо или предмет. My friend is an engineer. 4. Со значением числительного «one». I have bought an apple today. Неопределенный артикль не употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными: music, paper, weather, hair, money, knowledge, advice, news, traffic, luggage, information, water, etc. Определенный артикль (the) употребляется: 1. Когда указан индивидуальный признак, отличающий лицо или предмет, обозначенный существительным, от всех лиц или предметов того же класса. Please, give me the book you have bought today. 2. Когда ясно из контекста, какое именно лицо или предмет имеется в виду. Measure the desk, please. 3. Когда лицо или предмет снова упоминается. We have just received a telegramme. The telegramme was extremely important. 4. Когда лицо или предмет является единственным в мире или единственным в данных условиях. The Earth goes round the Sun. The captain must be on deck. 6. Fill in the correct articles where necessary. Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо. 1. We have just received............invitation. .........is rather unexpected. 2. My father is........photographer. 3. .........photographer should use.......professional equipment. 4. Please, give me.......briefcase you have just measured. 5. ........advice you gave me was very important. 6. .......director signs all the important reports. 7. Don’t come close to........fire which is burning there. 8. This month I have bought........mobile phone. .........phone is rather expensive. 9. ........Moon is smaller than .......Earth. 10. Could you give me ........pen, please? 7. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. Show me the........................................................................................ I am writing a....................................................................................... My neighbour is a.................................................................................. Don’t touch the.................................................................................... A..................................................................................................... Please, take the..................................................................................... The................................................................................................... 8. There are five mistakes in these sentences. Find and correct them. Найдите и исправьте пять ошибок в данных предложениях. 1. The reception was very nice. I met a colleagues. The colleagues told me about a wedding of their manager which happened last month. 2. I have got a neighbour. The neighbour has a serious illness. 3. My father is a firefighter. He climbs the houses to fight different fires. 4. I have just received a new information about the car engine. 5. Bentley and I have already bought wedding rings. The rings are made of gold. 6. My father fell asleep and dropped a book. 7. Last year we bought wooden furniture for the kitchen. Language focus 2The Use of Article «the» with Geographical names Использование определенного артикля с географическими названиями 1. Определенный артикль употребляется с названиями океанов, морей, рек и каналов The Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the River Amazon, the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile, The Red Sea, the Suez Canal. 2. Определенный артикль употребляется с названиями групп островов, горных цепей, стран, названия которых стоят во множественном числе. The Bahamas, the British Isles, the Alps, the Andes, the Rocky Mountains, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United States. 3. Определенный артикль употребляется с названиями стран, если в их состав входят слова: /i>Republic, Kingdom, States, etc. The United Kingdom (the UK), the Dominican Republic. 4. Определенный артикль употребляется с названиями гостиниц, ресторанов, театров, кинотеатров, музеев, а также сочетаний ...of.... The Station Hotel, the Bombay Restaurant, the Palace Theatre, the Odeon (Cinema), the British Museum, the Tate Gallery The Bank of England, the Houses of Parliament, the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Wall of China. 1. Артикль не употребляется с названиями континентов, стран, штатов и регионов, единичных островов, единичных гор, городов. Africa, Europe, South America, France, Japan, Texas, Cornwall, Corsica, Sicily, Cairo, New York, Everest, Kilimanjaro. 2. Артикль не употребляется с названиями улиц, дорог, парков, скверов. Fifth Avenue, Broadway, Times Square, Hyde Park. 3. Артикль не употребляется с названиями, если первое слово в названии – имя(фамилия) человека. Victoria Station, St Paul’s Cathedral. 4. Артикль не употребляется с названиями компаний и авиалиний. Fiat, Sony, Kodak, British Airways. 5. Артикль не употребляется с названиями гор и озер, если первое слово Mount и Lake. Mount Everest (ноthe Everest), Lake Baikal (ноthe Baikal). 9. Fill in the article where necessary. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо. 1. ......Everest was first climbed in 1953. 2. ...... Africa is much larger than.......Europe. 3. Milan is in........north of......... Italy. 4. ........Hyde Park is a large park in......... London. 5. We flew to ...... Moscow from........ Kennedy Airport. 6. You should go to........ Science Museum. 7. Have you ever been to.......British Museum? 8. .......United Kingdom consists of .......Great Britain and........ Northern Island. 9. .......Chicago is on.......Lake Michigan. 10. Next year we are going skiing in......Swiss Alps. 11. Last year I visited ...... Mexico and.......United States. 12. ......River Volga flows into...... Caspian Sea. 13. We decided to go camping to..... Lake Superior. 14. ...... Seychelles are a group of islands in...... Indian Ocean. 15. There are a lot of resorts in..... Mediterranean. 16. ......Grand Hotel is in ...... Baker Street. 17. John is working for.....IBM now. He has stopped working for......British Telecom. 18. I’d like to go to..... China and see......Great Wall of...... China. 19. We are going to the cinema tonight, to.......Classic. 20. When we were in...... Egypt, we went to...... Sahara Desert. 10. Make up 10 sentences about your life. Take the words. Составьте 10 предложений о себе. Используйте данные выражения. The Bolshoi Theatre, the Museum of Modern Art, Turkey, Sony, Trafalgar Square, the Red Sea, Lake Baikal, the north of Russia, the Nile, the Caspian Sea, London ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1The Present Perfect Tense (more practice) Настоящее Совершенное время (дополнительная практика) Настоящее Совершенное время используется с такими указателями времени, как for и since. He has lived here for 5 years. Он живет здесь (втечение) 5 лет. He has lived here since 2001. Он живет здесь с 2001 года. И вопросительное: How long has he lived here? Как долго (давно) он здесь живет? Настоящее Совершенное время не может быть использовано с такими наречиями времени, как: Last year, last month, three years ago, in the past, at 6 o’clock, а также с вопросительным словом When. He finished his work at 5. He lived here 5 years ago. When did he measure the desk? Настоящее Совершенное время может быть использовано с наречиями this morning, this evening, today, если они указывают на период, время которого еще не истекло. He has drunk three cups of tea this morning. (утро еще не закончилось) He drank three cups of tea this morning. (значит, утро уже закончилось) 1. Put these sentences into the Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses Поставьте данные предложения в Настоящее Совершенное и Прошедшее простое времена. ![]() 2. Ask How long questions. Задайте специальные вопросы, начинающиеся с How long. 1. My brother has lived in Sweden since 1876. ...............................................................................................? 2. He has taken photos since he left school.. ..............................................................................................? 3. Everything has been wrong for 5 years. ...............................................................................................? 4. They have loved each other for two years. ..............................................................................................? 5. Her neighbour has worked for this company since he got a diploma. ..............................................................................................? 6. Denis Shevchuk has repaired the car brakes since early morning. ..............................................................................................? 7. They have been the cause of her illness for the last 2 years. ..............................................................................................? 3. Answer the questions. Use since and for each time. Ответьте на вопросы, используя since и for в ответе на каждый вопрос. 1. How long have you known your neighbours? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 2. How long has he lived in this wooden house? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3. How long have you worked for the same company? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 4. How long have you had your wedding ring? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 5. How long have you been a serious person? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 6. How long has he had good luck? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 7. How long has he expected her to come? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 8. How long have you been a photographer? ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 4. Fill in the correct verb form (Past Simple or Present Perfect). Поставьте глаголы в нужное время (Прошедшее простое или Настоящее совершенное). 1. The scientists (to discover).............................this island this year. 2. When (to receive)...................they.....................this invitation card? 3. How long (to be)...................he.....................in this situation? 4. He (to tell)........................never....................me about this case in point. 5. This summer we (to decide)..............................to organize a reception. 6. The wooden house (to burn)..................already..................completely. 7. (to be)...............he ever.....................to that far-away country? 8. They (to know).................................about his report since Monday. 9. I have no money. I (to spend)..............................it. 10. The house has caught fire. When (to happen).............it............................? Language focus 2Conditional sentences of Type I Условные предложения первого типа Как и в русском языке, в английском часто употребляются предложения, в которых выражено условие. Чаще всего оно выражается с помощью слова «если» – «if». Условные предложения могут относится к будущему и настоящему времени (1 тип), к настоящему нереальному (2 тип), к прошедшему (3 тип). Необходимо запомнить, что в придаточном предложении условия (которое начинается с if) вместо формы будущего времени употребляется форма настоящего времени. Например, Если ты расскажешь ему об этом, я к тебе больше никогда не приду. If you tell him about it, I’ll never come to see you again Если он не купит обручальные кольца, мне придется сделать это самой. If he doesn’t buy wedding rings, I’ll have to do it myself. Форма настоящего времени глагола употребляется вместо формы будущего времени и в том случае, если перед нами придаточное предложение времени, выраженное словами when, as soon as (как только), before, after. Когда он придет, дай ему мой отчет. When he comes, give him my report. Иди по направлению к дому, как только начнется дождь. Go towards the house as soon as it starts raining. Перед тем как лезть на чердак, закрой дверь. Before you climb the stairs to the attic, close the door. 5. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. 1. If he looks around,..................................................................... 2. If he drops the book,................................................................... 3. If it causes me a lot of problems,..................................................... 4. He’ll burn all the documents if........................................................ 5. You’ll catch a cold if................................................................... 6. If he loses his wedding ring,........................................................... 7. I won’t be able to recollect this information if...................................... 8. If she hurts her leg,..................................................................... 9. If he meets with an accident,.......................................................... 10. If he doesn’t repair the rear lights,.................................................. 6. Answer the questions. Ответьте навопросы. 1. What will you do if you lose your documents? 2. What will you do if you meet with a car accident? 3. What will you do if your neighbours listen to loud music? 4. What will you do if your house catches fire? 5. How will you help your cat if she climbs a tree? 6. How will you feel if everything goes wrong? 7. Will you be able to sleep without a blanket if it is cold? 8. If you have a wedding party, who will you send invitations to? 9. What will you tell your husband if he loses his wedding ring? 10. What will you do if your car brakes don’t work? 7. Continue the story. Продолжитерассказ. A. If I win a lot of money, I’ll.................................................................... If I.............................., ................................................................. .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... B. If I meet a very handsome and intelligent man, I’ll....................................... If I.............................., ................................................................. .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... 8. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Когда ты закончишь измерять комнату, тебе придется написать отчет. ............................................................................................................. 2. Как только ты откроешь свой портфель, ты увидишь наше приглашение. ............................................................................................................. 3. Когда Вы вспомните о времени нашего совещания, позвоните мне. ............................................................................................................. 4. Если ты будешь продолжать хватать мои вещи, я перестану с тобой разговаривать. ............................................................................................................. 5. Если ты не извинишься за то, что уронил мою книгу, я расскажу маме. ............................................................................................................. 6. Если Вы не запомните новые слова, мне придется сказать правду учителю. ............................................................................................................. 7. Перед тем как будете фотографировать, выберите хорошее положение. ............................................................................................................. 8. Если Вы не измените свою точку зрения, нам придется ждать другого подходящего случая. ............................................................................................................. 9. Когда она начнет предсказывать Вашу судьбу, немедленно встаньте и идите по направлению к двери. ............................................................................................................. 10. Не ожидайте моей помощи после того, как Вы оставите меня в этот критический момент. ............................................................................................................. READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Has your life changed to the worse or to the better since last year? 2. How long have you already had the same job? 3. What problems with your car have you had recently? 4. What have you done in your life? 5. What will you put on if you get an invitation to a wedding party? 6. Where will you go if you receive a chance to travel? 7. What countries have you already been to? 8. What is the most unusual place you have been to? 9. What are the most impressive sights you have seen in your life? 10. What is the most important thing you have ever lost? 2. Read the information and speak about these people. Then speak about yourself. Прочитайте информацию и расскажите об этих людях. Затем расскажите о себе. ![]() Example: Natalie has been to/has visited the United Kingdom. She has had three jobs. 3. Complete the dialogue taking the phrases. Дополните диалог фразами. And I’ve had holidays in five others. James, how many jobs have you had? I haven’t done much in my life. So, for five hours. I’ve only been to two. Sorry, but she hasn’t rung yet. James, how many countries have you been to? James: Hello, Julia! Aren’t there any messages for me? Julia: Are you expecting a message? James: Well, I asked Susan Warren to call me. It’s quite important. Julia: ..................................................... James: And how long have you been here? Julia: I’ve been here since half past seven. .................................................... James: And why did you come so early? Julia: I’ve got a lot of work to do at the moment.... ..................................................... James: Well, I have had three other jobs. Why? Julia: Oh, I’m just interested. ............................................................................ James: I’ve worked in England and Ireland, that’s two. ........................................That’s seven. But why do you want to know? Julia: Seven countries! ............................................................ James: Julia, why all these questions? How many jobs have I had? How many countries have I been to? What do they mean? Julia: Well, James. ......................................................... James: I wouldn’t say that! Julia: And I’ve decided to leave. I’ve decided to leave MAP Advertising. 4. Read the information about Tom Hall and answer the questions below. Прочитайте информацию о Томе Холе и ответьте на вопросы. ![]() 1. How many jobs has he had? ........................................................................................... 2. Which languages has he learnt? ........................................................................................... 3. Where has he worked as a designer? ........................................................................................... 4. Which countries has he lived in? ........................................................................................... 5. Where did he get married? ........................................................................................... 6. Where has he been on business for MAP? ........................................................................................... 7. How long has he been married? ........................................................................................... 5. Read and try to learn the dialogue. Прочитайте диалог и постарайтесь выучить его. Tom Hall: Julia! What’s the matter? Julia: I’ve lost my briefcase. Or perhaps somebody has taken it. I don’t know. Tom Hall: Oh, no. How did it happen? Sit down. Was there anything important in it? Julia: Important! My cheque book, all the papers I need for work, my appointment book... Tom Hall: That’s terrible. But how did you lose your briefcase? Julia: Well, as you know I was with a client all morning and we had lunch together. After I had lunch, I went shopping. And when I wanted to buy something, I couldn’t find my cheque book. Then I recollected that it was in my briefcase. And the briefcase was in my car. Tom Hall: So you went back to your car... Julia: I went back to my car. No briefcase. Tom Hall: And then you went to the police? Julia: Not immediately. Before I went to the police station, I called the client’s office. No luck. They said the briefcase wasn’t there. Tom Hall: (the phone is ringing) Yes, I am listening...Yes...Yes...Thank you. Julia: Who was it? Tom Hall: That was the manager of the Europa restaurant. Just after lunch today he found a black leather briefcase under a table. Julia: Yes? Tom Hall: When he opened the case, he found a lot of papers. He said that they had the name MAP on them. And he found a cheque book with your name on it. 6. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. A Californian Firefighter Christine Bahr works as a firefighter in California. She has worked here for almost ten years. She has seen a lot of accidents in her life. She is recollecting a fire that happened in Oakland not far from San Francisco. In the morning she had a lot of work to do in the office. Then she heard the reports of fire and set off for Oakland. She was shocked. When they turned a corner, they saw a 30-foot jet of gas shoot out at them – a broken gas line. When they turned another corner, there was a spluttering transformer. Everywhere there were power lines and burning vegetation. When they got to the place, they were asked to fight an attic fire in one of the homes. After they made entry into the house, they climbed up a narrow staircase into a small room. And she only had a second to look around before the room filled with smoke, and it was too hard to stand up. So, they went down, back to the stairs. Then Christine saw the photographs hanging on the wall. She felt that the people were going to lose their home. She thought: If I take these photos, they will at least have something. So, she snatched them off the wall, grabbed a towel and put them down in a neighbour’s yard. It was awful to see so much burning. It was like someone dropped a bomb on Oakland. A. Retell the text Перескажите текст B. Ask five questions about the text Задайте пять вопросов к тексту ![]() LESSON 10. What will happen ![]() LEAD-IN 1. Answer the questions about yourself. Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. Do you believe in fortune-telling? 2. What do you think will change in the future in your family? 3. What will change in our country? 4. What will change in the world? 5. What will you do in summer? 6. Where will your children go for their summer holidays? 7. What car are you going to buy? 8. How are you going to improve your family welfare? 9. If you find a new job, what job will it be? 10. What will you do as soon as you learn to speak English well? 2. Make up some true sentences about your future. Use the phrases given. Составьте несколько предложений о своем будущем. Используйте данные выражения. ![]() 3. Complete the stories. Use the correct verb forms. Закончите рассказы. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. ![]() 4. Give these sentences in English. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Если вы не последуете нашему совету, вы потеряете работу. ..................................................................................... 2. Как только он получит приглашение, он сразу же купит новый костюм. ...................................................................................... 3. Он никогда не верил в предсказание судьбы. ...................................................................................... 4. Когда он изменил свою точку зрения по этому вопросу? ..................................................................................... 5. Он живет у Балтийского моря с того времени, как родился. ..................................................................................... 6. Если он поедет за границу, это будет подходящий случай для него. ....................................................................................... FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Активный словарь Nouns1. colleague – коллега 2. staff – персонал 3. declaration – заявление, объявление 4. marriage – брак, замужество 5. matrimony – супружество 6. symbol – символ, эмблема 7. token – знак, подарок на память 8. witness – свидетель 9. registrar – чиновник-регистратор 10. fog – туман 11. intelligence – интеллект, сведения, разведка 12. light – свет 13. conclusion – вывод, заключение To draw a conclusion – делать вывод 14. forecast – предсказание, прогноз weather forecast – прогноз погоды 15. headquarters – штаб, главное управление 16. observation – наблюдение 17. preparation – подготовка 18. showers – ливни 19. sunshine – солнечный свет 20. world – мир, вселенная Adjectives/Participles1. cool – прохладный 2. sunny – солнечный 3. windy – ветреный 4. rainy – дождливый 5. talented – талантливый 6. ground-based – наземный Ground-based observations – наземные наблюдения 7. famous – знаменитый, известный 8. lawful – законный 9. solemn – торжественный 10. educational – образовательный Educational computer – компьютер, используемый в образовательных целях 11. hard – жесткий, твердый, сложный 12. low – низкий low flame – слабый огонь 13. beneficial – выгодный, полезный 14. thick – густой Thick soup – густой суп Verbs1. boil – варить 2. bake – печь, выпекать At the baker’s – в булочной 3. fry – жарить Fried fish – жареная рыба 4. persuade – убеждать 5. declare – объявлять/заявлять 6. book – бронировать to book seats – забронировать места 7. steal (stole-stolen) – воровать, красть 8. apply – обращаться за to apply for help – обратиться за помощью Adverbs 1. solemnly – торжественно 2. probably – вероятно 3. fast – быстро 4. continuously – непрерывно 5. nearly – почти, приблизительно I’ve read nearly 500 pages. 6. not quite – не совсем Word Combinations1. on and off – время от времени 2. get married to smb – выходить замуж за/жениться на ком-либо 3. registry office – отдел записи актов гражданского состояния 4. Many Happy Returns (on that day) – С днем рождения 5. Well done! – отлично, здорово! 6. Cheers! – ура! 7. Here is to (you) – за ваше здоровье 8. a leaving party – прощальный вечер 9. fortune-teller – предсказатель будущего 10. carry on (doing smth) – продолжить 11. an awful lot of – ужас сколько 12. clear away – рассеиваться (о тумане, облаках) 13. Middle East – Ближний Восток 14. to grow dark – темнеть It is growing/getting dark. 15. it rains/snows – идет дождь/снег 1. Match the word with the translation. Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом. ![]() 2. Make word combinations. Составьте словосочетания. ![]() 3. Make up sentences using the words. Ask a question to it with the word given below. Составьте утвердительные предложения, используя данные слова. Задайте к каждому предложению по одному вопросу со словом, указанным ниже. Example: beneficial, marriage ...solemn Your marriage was very beneficial. Was the marriage solemn? 1. showers, world ...conclusion ................................................................................................................ 2. to apply, registrar ...carry on ................................................................................................................ 3. to persuade, to get married to ...continuously ................................................................................................................ 4. hard, forecast ...to steal ................................................................................................................ 5. low, to fry ...thick ................................................................................................................ 6. to book, colleague ...on and off ................................................................................................................ 7. witness, declaration ...famous ................................................................................................................ 8. an awful lot of, preparation ...staff ................................................................................................................ 4. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. ![]() Language focus 1 Talking about weather Разговаривая о погоде ![]() 5. Complete the dialogues. Дополните диалоги. 1. Julia:.......................................................................................................... Mother: I’m afraid it is going to rain. Don’t leave your umbrella at home. 2. James: Haven’t you heard the weather forecast for today? Dan: ......................................................................................................... James: Do you think it will get warmer tomorrow? Dan: ......................................................................................................... 3. Julia: It’s raining cats and dogs. ........................................................................ Max: Oh, it’s ten above zero. Julia: Are we going to have these showers tomorrow? Max: ......................................................................................................... Julia: How about last year? Was it the same? Max: ......................................................................................................... 4. Julia:..................................................................................................... James: Oh, yes! It’s great! Julia: Do you think it will snow tomorrow? James:.................................................................................................... 6. Describe the weather. Опишите погоду. A. in the Moscow region in mid-summer ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... B. in the Crimea in October ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... C. in Siberia in mid-winter ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... D. in your town in spring ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 7. Make up your own dialogues. Составьте свои диалоги. ![]() Language focus 2 Conversational phrases Выражения, часто используемые в беседе ![]() 8. Answer the following questions, each time using two of the phrases listed above. Ответьте на предложенные вопросы, используя в каждом ответе две из вышеперечисленных фраз. 1. Are you going to travel this summer? .................................................................................................................. 2. What will the weather be like tomorrow? .................................................................................................................. 3. Are you going to get married soon? .................................................................................................................. 4. What are you going to learn to cook? .................................................................................................................. 5. What do you think about fortune-telling? .................................................................................................................. 6. Is matrimony beneficial? .................................................................................................................. 7. Have you ever stolen anything? .................................................................................................................. 8. Are you going to live here continuously? .................................................................................................................. 9. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. 1. What concerns my job, I................................................................................. 2. As for my wife, she....................................................................................... 3. To be honest, I have never............................................................................... 4. In my opinion the weather forecast..................................................................... 5. On the whole, food preparation.......................................................................... 6. No doubt, the wedding ceremony........................................................................ 7. What concerns the staff, they............................................................................. 8. He has made up his mind to .............................................................................. 9. As far as I know, India .................................................................................... 10. I am thinking about..................................................................................... 11. I didn’t mean to.......................................................................................... 12. The chances are that...................................................................................... 10. Make up short stories expressing your opinion. Use the words suggested and the conversational phrases above. Составьте небольшие рассказы, в которых вы выражаете свое мнение. Используйте предложенные слова и выражения, приведенные выше. A: get dark, an awful lot of, rainy, showers, carry on, on and off, nearly. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. B: draw a conclusion, preparation, colleagues, apply for help, educational. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. C: thick soup, beneficial, bake, boil, fry, probably, persuade. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. D: solemn, get married to, talented, book, registry office, staff, marriage. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. E: intelligence, staff, headquarters, observation, continuously. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Активная грамматика Language focus 1Tenses review Использование грамматических времен 1. Give examples. Use the verbs and adverbs given. Дайте соответствующие примеры. Используйте необходимые формы данных глаголов и наречия времени. ![]() 2. Complete the questions. Дополните вопросительные предложения. When........................................................................................? Has he.......................................................................................? Does she....................................................................................? How often do they.........................................................................? How long.....................................................................................? Are they......................................................................................? Why will he..................................................................................? Is she..........................................................................................? Did they.......................................................................................? What are you.................................................................................? Have you......................................................................................? Who will......................................................................................? Was she.......................................................................................? Who has.......................................................................................? Where were...................................................................................? 3. Translate these sentences using the Past Simple or Present Perfect Tenses. Переведите данные предложения, используя Прошедшее Простое или Настоящее Совершенное времена. Начальник разведки только что прибыл в штаб. Когда последний раз шел дождь? Вы когда-либо обращались к нему за помощью? Я не слышал прогноза погоды с пятницы. Вы еще не сделали выводы по результатам наших наблюдений? Он украл ваш подарок, когда вы были в ЗАГСе. Где и когда вы поженились? Как давно он уже знаменит? На последней встрече свидетель не убедил меня. ![]() 4. Find one mistake in each sentence. Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений. ![]() Language focus 2 Complex Object Сложное дополнение Complex Object используется в следующих структурных образцах: 1. I want them to do it. Я хочу, чтобы они сделали это. I would like her to book the seats. Я бы хотел, чтобы она забронировала места. He expects me to come soon. Он ожидает/рассчитывает на то, что я приеду скоро. He knows her to be a good student. Он знает, что она хорошая студентка. 2. I saw him opening the door. Я видел, как он открывает/открывал дверью (глагол несовершенного вида) I saw him open the door. Я видел, что/как он открыл дверью (глагол совершенного вида) I heard him playing the piano. Я слышал, как он играл на пианино. I heard her call my name. Я слышал, что он назвал мое имя. She noticed them crossing the street. Онзаметил, как она переходила улицу. He noticed her cross the street. Он заметил, что она перешла улицу. He felt her watching him. Он почувствовал, что она на него смотрит. I felt them touch me. Я почувствовал, как он прикоснулся ко мне. 3. My mother made me eat soup. Мама заставила меня съесть суп. Но в страдательной структуре: I was made to eat soup. Меня заставили съесть суп. 5. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения. 1. I want him to....................................................................................... 2. They would like her to........................................................................... 3. She made them.................................................................................... 4. I saw them......................................................................................... 5. He saw the birds.................................................................................. 6. I expected them to................................................................................ 7. She wants her sister to........................................................................... 8. He was made to................................................................................... 9. He knew her friend to be........................................................................ 10. I didn’t expect you to........................................................................... 11. She felt the baby................................................................................. 12. He heard the boss................................................................................ 13. My partner was made to........................................................................ 14. They noticed Bob............................................................................... 6. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Would you like your wife/husband to help you in learning English? 2. Have you ever seen the sun coming out? 3. Will you be made to prepare a report soon? 4. Have you ever noticed your children stealing? 5. How do you want the world to change? 6. Have you ever felt the snow falling down on your face? 7. What can make you change your plans? 8. Do you expect your relatives to arrive soon? 9. Do you know anyone to be particularly talented? 10. Have you ever heard your wife speaking a foreign language? 7. Make up your own sentences with the verbs given. Составьте свои предложения с данными глаголами. Например: was made, steal I was made to steal the money from the shop. wanted, apply .............................................................................................................. would like, continue .............................................................................................................. felt, look .............................................................................................................. noticed, persuade ............................................................................................................. made, declare .............................................................................................................. saw, get married .............................................................................................................. expect, try ............................................................................................................. will be made, fry ............................................................................................................. heard, call ............................................................................................................ 8. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Я не хочу, чтобы вы обращались за помощью в штаб. ............................................................................................................. 2. Я слышал, как он делала выводы о наземных наблюдениях. ............................................................................................................. 3. Талантливого ученого заставили продолжить работу. ............................................................................................................. 4. Я не хотел бы, чтобы он стал предсказателем будущего. ............................................................................................................. 5. Мы не ожидали, что ливни начнутся так скоро. ............................................................................................................. 6. Он хочет, чтобы мы гуляли в этот туманный и дождливый день. ............................................................................................................. 7. Я заметил, что они получили очень много/ужас сколько сведений. ............................................................................................................. READINGAND SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are you desperate to find out what will happen to you in the future? 2. Do you believe fortune-tellers? 3. How would you like your life to change? 4. Are you eager to apply for a new job? 5. Have you ever thought about changing your lifestyle/diet/job? 6. What will our world be like in 10/20/50 years’ time? 7. Do you expect the weather to change soon? 8. What would you like your children to be? 9. What do you expect your wife to cook today? 10. Do you expect your children to become world-famous? 2. Make up stories using the words. Составьте короткие рассказы с данными словами. A. beneficial, want smb. to cook, famous, to bake, thick, to fry, to boil, to apply for help, on the whole. B. witness, matrimony, wedding dress, to declare, to persuade, to draw a conclusion, talented, as for me, she was eager to, she expected him to come. C. what concerns, an awful lot of information, lawful act, to book, don’t expect them to. D. token of love, to get married, he knew her to be, to be honest, chances are that, he saw her..., registrar. 3. Answer the questions. Pay attention to the use of different tenses Ответьте на предложенныевопросы. Обратите внимание на использование различных грамматических времен. ![]() 4. Make up short stories using the verbs. Составьте небольшие рассказы, используя глаголы в предложенных временах и формах. ![]() 5. Read the dialogue. Fill in the missing words. Прочитайте диалог. Вставьте пропущенные слова. eager, get, decided, look for, as, going, if, am, will Julia: My last day at MAP Advertising. James: What are you ..................... to do? Have you .................... yet? Julia: Not really. I think I’ll go to Germany and ....................... a job there. I hope I ......... doing the right thing. James: Oh, you’ll be OK. Julia: What about you, James? Where .................. you be five years from now? James: What a question! I’ll .................... married and have two children. Julia: Really? James: Of course not. .................... for me, I don’t know where I’ll be five years from now. I’m ................... to stay in advertising as I like it. Will you get married? Julia: Perhaps. ........................ I meet the right man, I’ll get married. 6. Match the questions to the appropriate answers. Найдите подходящие по смыслу ответы. Norman Stephens: registrar ![]() 7. Read this text. Прочитайте текст. John Kettley, the weather forecaster John Kettley is a weather forecaster on TV. We wanted him to tell us about the way they receive the information about the weather. He says that an awful lot of preparation goes on at their headquarters. All the information including ground-based observation, satellite information, radar pictures goes into the super-computer. Their team of forecasters handle that information. And then they come to a conclusion for the next 24–48 hours or so. As an example, John gives the weather forecast for the next few days. He starts up in the north. Tokyo: round about 18–19 degrees and missing most of the rain. Nagasaki, though, will get the rain; temperatures about 13 degrees. In China and Korea it is very warm too. Beijing: about 27 degrees, with most of the rain clearing away by the end of the week. Over into India now, plenty of hot sunshine there, but with the showers in Sri-Lanka. A. Retell the text Перескажите текст B. Ask five questions about the text Задайте пять вопросов к тексту C. Answer the questions Ответьте на вопросы 1. Where do the forecasters prepare the information? 2. How do they receive this information? 3. Will it rain in Tokyo? 4. What will be the temperature in Nagasaki? 5. Will it be sunny in India? ASSIGNMENT 10 LESSON 10 PART 1Choose the correct word. Выберите подходящее слово. ![]() PART 2 Ten sentences out of fifteen have a mistake in them. Find and correct it. В десяти предложениях из предложенных пятнадцати содержится ошибка. Найдите и исправьте ее. ![]() PART 3 Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения. ![]() |
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